One after another, Xing Zhifei waved his palms. His palm like waves were like the sea. In the air, there were transparent Qi strength.

These Qi strength, is Xing Zhifei condenses own formidable spiritual power, even if is the wall, can leave the deep palm print on the wall.

At this time, Chen Feng's palm twists, and with his invisible spiritual power, a whirlpool condenses in the palm. The air around him converges like a tidal current. Then he shakes his arm and slaps it in the past.


With a loud noise and incomparable strength, he broke Xing Zhifei's palm posture with the force of thunder. Then, with a sound of "bang", Xing Zhifei was blown out by a force.

"Pedaling, pedaling, pedaling!"

He was shocked several tens of meters before he stopped. Suddenly, he was leaning on the triumphal arch.

"How could What kind of martial arts are you? " Xing Zhifei's face moved.

If his cultivation had not reached half a step, even if his body was not as strong as the steel bar, he would not have given up too much. The martial skill just now would have shaken him out of internal injury.

"This is the great true martial arts formula. It's a combination of Tao and martial arts. Just now I only used five success forces. If I add 20% more, you can't stand at this time." Chen Feng slightly shakes his head, as if some regret appearance.

Da Zhen Wu Jue is the Zhenwu Taoist method passed down to Chen Feng by fighting against Buddha. It is extremely powerful. Since there are secular martial arts skills, it also contains the Dao with the simplest Dao.

At the beginning, Chen Feng almost killed Xiaobai by shaking in the void.

Although Xiaobai was not as good as Xing Zhifei at that time, how could Chen Feng be Chen Feng at that time?

"Zhenwu Daofa? Boy, you are really extraordinary! No wonder you can fight me to this day Although Xing Zhifei's words are amazing, but more is a kind of murder.

Chen Feng slightly shook his head and said, "you are mistaken. It's not that I can fight with you to this extent, but that I don't use all my strength."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xing Zhifei laughed wildly and said, "good, good! What a arrogant master Chen, I have been practicing martial arts since I was ten years old. I have never been so happy today. You are much better than those three legged masters. I wanted to be able to solve you easily, but if it is too simple, it will be too boring. "

With a pair of hearty laughter, Xing Zhifei immediately made master Shi Yu and other three and a half steps look ugly.

But they didn't contradict, or admit it in their hearts.

Even before Xing Zhifei came, Qi Hongning, the first person under the southern master, did not feel that he could make five rounds under Xing Zhifei.

From the point of view of the two people's encounter just now, it's really terrible.

That kind of momentum, as well as the power of powerful spiritual power, has exceeded their imagination.

The layman looked at the door and the expert looked at the excitement. Seeing this scene, all those who looked down on Chen Feng couldn't help shaking their hearts.

How powerful Xing Zhifei is! All the masters of half step in the south are not his opponents. However, even Xing Zhifei was shaken back several tens of meters just now. How terrible is this so-called master Chen?

Just at this time, I saw Xing Zhifei's spiritual strength condensed, his eyes like frost and cold wind, extremely sharp.

He said to himself: "my big flag ice palm has been passed down to me for ten years by my teacher. I endure the tempering of extreme cold every day, and my hands have already made steel and iron. Even if the master can fight against it, there are not 20 people who have died under the ice palm of big flag. Today, there will be one more." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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