Kong Wenbing's face suddenly turned ugly. Zhou Ying'er looked at Chen Feng with an uncertain look in her eyes.

Did he really know little about it?

Wang Rong is really very aggrieved. How did Zeng Shao slap himself for no reason?

And call this person Mr. Chen?

"Zeng Shao, who is he?" Kong Wenbing asked in a deep voice.

Wang Rong is one of his people. Zeng Ping slapped him indiscriminately. The problem is that he clearly wanted to give Zhou Yinger a good face, but Zeng Ping helped the boy. What's that?

At present, he also has some doubts in his heart. The first is who Mr. Chen is in Zeng Ping's mouth.

Second, in disguise, Zeng Ping did not give him face.

After listening, Zeng Ping thought to himself, who is he? He is the martial arts master who can decide the life and death of people!

"You don't care who he is. You just need to know that he is Mr. Chen. Without Mr. Chen, I would not have taken over TZM. " Zeng Ping took a deep breath and said.

He is also worried about these people in his heart, because if master Chen is not willing to kill them, it is a matter of turning hands!


As soon as the glare came out, the whole xinghuitiandi was fried.

"Zeng Shao called this boy Mr. Chen? How old is this guy? "

"Did I hear you correctly? Who on earth is Zeng Shao, who is he

"Without him, Zeng Shao would not have taken over TZM? This Is that ridiculous? "

All people are feeling a kind of disbelief, are guessing the identity of Chen Feng, and they have confirmed that Chen Feng really knew little.

But no matter how they want to break their heads, they don't understand when a Mr. Chen appears in Shenchuan?

Zhou Yinger's beautiful eyes fell on Chen Feng. Suddenly, she changed and became thoughtful.

She knows all the second generation of rich people in Shenchuan. It is absolutely not a simple existence that can make Zeng Ping look so scared.

But she has never heard of Chen.

"Mr. Chen, is there any misunderstanding?"

Chen Feng would not have the same insight as Kong Wenbing. He waved his hand and said, "forget it, it's OK. Let's find a place to talk."

"Wait a minute."

All of a sudden, Kong Wenbing stopped and everyone looked at him.

"Do you want me to apologize?" Chen Feng said lightly.

Zeng Ping's face changed, and even said, "Wenbing, have you offended Mr. Chen? Make an apology to Mr. Chen

Kong Wenbing's face suddenly became gloomy, and his face was very ugly.

But Wang Rong and other rich second generation faces are strange, dare not say love.

"You want me to apologize to him?" Kong Wenbing asked coldly.

Once again, the audience looked at the scene with a strange look on their faces.

Kong Wenbing is a big red and little boy in the current period. His family is already the leader of Shenchuan real estate. In time, he will enter other provinces and cities. The potential is very terrible.

As we all know, Kong Wenbing joined TZM with Zeng Ping's approval, otherwise he would not be integrated into the top Prince's group.

But what they didn't know was that Kong Wenbing came in to master more contacts and relationships.

In fact, with his spirit and vision, Zeng Ping does not have much weight in his eyes. He just uses Zeng Ping's hand to master high-quality resources.

Therefore, although it is said that Zeng Ping agreed to join TZM, in fact, Kong Wenbing's position does not need to be much weaker at all, and this is only temporary.

Because he knew that in time, he would be the leader of the young men in the upper strata of Shenchuan. Even in the whole country, he had his own place.

Zeng Ping used to be a dandy, but he has been cultivating his health and doing business for half a year. He is much more sober.

Kong Wenbing is a fierce tiger in the shoal. He can't suppress it. He can only run higher. And he let Kong Wenbing join in, because of the resources and potential of Kong's real estate kingdom.

Of course, no matter how to say, Zeng Ping is also the successor of TZM. He has a very high position. If he is dignified, he should also be taken out. Otherwise, what do people think of him here?

In private, Chen Feng, on the other hand, regards the existence of the weak mountain as the same, and can not offend.

"That's right. I want you to apologize to Mr. Chen. It's settled." Zeng pingshen voice said, at this time, he has a bit of courage and the shadow of the future Shenchuan big man.

"Zeng Ping, do you know what you are talking about?" Kong Wenbing's tone was cold, staring at Zeng Ping and saying.

At this time, the atmosphere of the whole Xinghui heaven and earth suddenly became cold

People are surprised that the two new generation of TZM stars, and the leader of the old generation, actually compete against each other!

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