Gou zangqing listened and shook his head slightly.

"Xiaoyue, you are not a member of the circle, so you don't know much about the martial arts circle, which is excusable."

"I told you that martial arts master can avoid bullets. Even dozens of wolves can be easily killed with one punch. However, none of us in China can reach such a level. Even if my uncle is over 50, he is only half a master. Even if he is as noisy as before, he threatens to fight Xing Zhifei, who entered the mainland, is no more than half a master, but he is only 30 years old. He is already a genius in the overseas youth gangs. "

When it comes to shaohefeng, there is no one in the southern theater who does not know that this person exists.

It's just because he was so famous when he became famous, both at home and abroad, on both sides of the Strait and three places.

As one of the three martial arts masters of the Wan Dao Green Gang, this name was not installed casually.

Xiao Yue is the advisor of hunting shadow. Naturally, she has heard a lot about martial arts from Gou zangqing.

And even if not in the circle, she also knows the name of shaohefeng.

Otherwise, as the eldest disciple of shaohefeng, Xing Zhifei sneaked to the south, and their troops would not be all nervous. If there was a little wind and grass, they would have to fight with thunder.

"But as you say, isn't the man who killed Xing Zhifei more powerful? Eh, no, it seems that the man is also called master Chen, and he is still very young, isn't he... " Xiao Yue thinks deeply.

Gou zangqing's eyes showed some fine things, but he finally shook his head and said, "it's impossible. It's said that he has reached the master's level. Even when my uncle came back, he said that he was absolutely a super genius in our South in a hundred years, and after that war, others had disappeared."

"What's more, the Grand Masters are so noble that they all exist like gods and men in Nanshan province. They won't easily appear in the secular world. How can they come to our army?"

Xiaoyue nodded slightly when she thought about it.

"Hello, master Chen."

No matter how to say, the army is the discipline force. The military orders are like mountains. Although Gou zangqing has a lot of complaints about this instructor Chen, he still has to do his own work well.

After a while, the door opened, revealing a young man wearing casual pants, white T-shirt and sports shoes.

"Are you miss Yan's people?" Chen Feng asked with a smile, quite a feeling.

However, when gou Cangqing saw Chen Feng like this, a cold look flashed in his eyes.

"Hello, drillmaster Chen. I'm the staff officer of hunting shadow. My name is Qi Xiaoyue. This is instructor Fu, Gou zangqing."

"Well." Chen Feng nodded slightly, saying hello.

If it were not for Zhang Qiuyi's business, he would not have spent time on the so-called shadow hunting forces and then train those soldiers.

He respects the soldiers, but his time is also precious.

He doesn't care about the southern war zone and the strategy of protecting the south. What he cares about is the safety of his relatives and friends.

And Xing Zhifei's affair has touched his tendon.

Yan Xiaoxiao is right. Chen Feng can ignore the powerful, can not care about money, do not care about power, but everything, all the people around him, are living in this real world.

So in order to have no worries, he agreed.

"Instructor Chen, please give me some advice." Gou Cangqing, with his eyes like a torch, stares at Chen Feng and reaches out his hand.


Chen Feng nodded and held out his hand. However, under such a grip, a huge force came from

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