It can be said that Lu Guobin's name has been a great shock to the army for more than ten years, and his achievements in the war and the meritorious service he has received can not even be hung on his chest.

Lu Guobin is the chief instructor of blood blade in the central theater.

"What are you talking about, stand at attention!"

The whole lazy line was soon straight.

"What do you look like? Do you want to increase your training today?" Gou Cangqing snorted coldly.

Dashan's eyes took a glance at Gou Cangqing, and then he bent over and said in a low voice, "drillmaster Gou, we have something to ask you."

"Stand up!"


Who knows Dashan's lazy and unscrupulous nature has committed again, and he whispered: "officer Gou, it's not intensive training now, so don't be so strict, and I really have a question to ask you!"

Gou Cangqing waved his hand in a bad mood, and all the players began to come together.

After all, these people are in their twenties, and some of them even went to the military camp at the age of 18. They are young people, naturally energetic, and simple in heart.

Although hunting shadow has been at the bottom for so many years, Gou zangqing also knows that they have tried their best.

"Come on, what's the problem."

Wang Zhuo looked at Gou zangqing and asked, "drillmaster Chen, who is more powerful than Lu Guobin?"

When he mentioned Chen Feng, Gou took a deep breath.

In his mind, Chen Feng kicked a big stone that day.

It can be said that he has no complaints about Chen Feng, even obedient.

But his thoughts are more about Lu Guobin.

Just because Lu Guobin is just like a God to the people in the army.

Legend has it that Lu Guobin has reached the level of martial arts master. Even if his uncle Gou Huayue evaluated Lu Guobin, he said that his strength was three points stronger than shaohefeng overseas!

There is no one in the southern martial arts world who does not know that the WAN Island Green Gang, one of the three martial arts masters, belongs to shaohefeng.

Shaohefeng became famous very early. Though he was very good at using military force, he was still inferior to Lu Guobin. It is enough to imagine that the title of God in the army is not in vain.

He took a deep breath and said: "although I haven't seen instructor Chen do his best, Lu Guobin became famous at the age of 30. As the chief instructor of blood blade, his strength has reached the level of martial arts master and can avoid bullets. And under his leadership, xueblade ranked first in the five military regions for eight consecutive years. "

When gou zangqing said this, he actually expressed his own opinion that Chen Feng was not as good as Lu Guobin.

Dashan and others suddenly burst into an uproar.

"Is this martial arts master really so powerful?" Dashan's eyes widened, "isn't that a character like huoyun evil god?"

Wang Zhuo and Bai Jie both looked at each other, and the others were surprised.

As for Chen Feng's strength, Gou zangqing has already appraised him highly. However, Lu Guobin's strength has already gone deep into the army. As a mythical figure in the army, his position is not everyone can shake.

Bai Jie immediately asked, "instructor Gou, do you know what instructor Chen is going to do?"

People are curious to see Gou zangqing.

Said here, Gou zangqing actually had some ideas in mind, but he said: "you will soon know, OK, good line up, instructor Chen has his own arrangements."

Immediately he left alone and walked out of the infirmary. He stopped and thought.

Chen Feng ordered all the team members to inject neutralizer. He knew what Chen Feng was going to do because he was also a martial arts practitioner.

"Chen Feng, do you promise to lay a good foundation for them in a month, so that they can practice martial arts? Can it really be done? "

Gou zangqing expressed his disagreement in his heart.

One can build a tower by gathering sand, and one can not build up a thousand miles without taking a small step.

The foundation of martial arts training should be laid over the years. Only when the foundation is stable can we achieve higher accomplishments.

These shadow hunting team members are so old. If they come back for a few months, do you want them to have the strength to compete with the blood blade and other forces?

Gou zangqing thought to himself that it was really too difficult, and it was just too fantastic.

"Let's see what you can surprise you."

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