Gou took a deep breath, filled with endless respect in his eyes, and said, "Mr. Chen, I was wrong before. I should not belittle this set of five birds accepting Qi. According to my conjecture, if this set of five birds of Qi is spread to the military area command, it will definitely cause a sensation. "

Chen Feng light way: "pass is your own thing, I have completed my task."

Qi Xiaoyue saw Chen Feng's eyes were full of worship light, and said: "instructor Chen, I don't know if I can..."

"Of course. I can see that your bones are amazing and your Qi is smooth. This is a good material for practicing martial arts. Although you are a little older, it's OK to practice boxing to their level. " Chen Feng said.

Qi Xiaoyue's face is red, stare at Chen Feng one eye, way: "Chen drillmaster, do you speak so?"

Chen Feng said with a smile: "I am not praising you? And the best way to practice martial arts is to start to lay a foundation at the age of five or six, and then now. Don't say you are old. When I began to study, I was very old

Gou Zang Qing's heart moved and suddenly asked, "instructor Chen, how old are you practicing martial arts?"

Chen Feng thought for a moment and said, "it seems that it was last year."

"Go to Last year Gou zangqing is petrified in place.


How can it be? How can he practice martial arts for less than a year?

It's not scientific at all!

You know, Gou zangqing began to practice martial arts at the age of ten. Now he is more than twenty years old and has reached the triple level of the realm of creation. He is also a young and talented person in the Jiuhua school and his family!

But this guy He Is he a monster?

At the thought of Chen Feng's terrible strength, it was completed in less than a year. I'm afraid that the whole southern martial arts and Taoism circles, no, should be the whole Chinese martial arts circles shocked.

Looking at the two people's reaction, Chen Feng heart faint smile, how do you know that I have a fairy help?

Otherwise, even if he is a super martial arts talent, he will never reach the level of Chen Feng in less than a year.

After a while, a woman doctor in a white coat came. The woman doctor wore a horsetail. She was young and beautiful. Her appearance was absolutely one of the best beauties. Her makeup was not thick or light, showing a woman's charm.

"Dr. Liang." Gou zangqing and Qi Xiaoyue called softly.

Liang Qingya nodded slightly. She looked at Chen Feng's eyes and seemed to have a strange look.

However, Gou Cangqing and Qi Xiaoyue looked at each other with some strange color in their eyes.

Just because today Liang Qingya's make-up is really more delicate than usual.

"Instructor Chen." Liang Qingya breathed a little, a kind of voice with a little amorous feelings, which made people hear some crispy and numb.

"Well." Chen Feng nodded gently, which was a response to Liang Qingya.

Chen Feng is very appreciative of this family who has been a miracle doctor of traditional Chinese medicine for generations.

However, he and Liang Qingya do not have much intersection, so his time is either used to train the team members, or he hides to practice.

Liang Qingya wanted to talk to Chen Feng about Qi Yu Zhen several times, but she couldn't muster up the courage.

However, in the past month, although Chen Feng didn't say a lot or even appeared many times, Liang Qingya always had a kind of expectation and joy in her heart every time she saw Chen Feng, just like the fans saw their idols.

"The team's physical indicators have come out, basic metabolism, skeletal muscle, body fat rate, visceral fat, and various physical strength have all reached the peak level before."

This word a, Gou Zang Qing and Qi Xiaoyue suddenly surprised.

"Really?" Qi Xiaoyue seems unbelievable.

And this, even Gou zangqing thought that it would take at least half a month for the team members to reach their previous physical strength, but they did not expect to achieve it in a month.

"Yes." Liang Qingya also took a deep breath and couldn't help looking at Chen Feng again.

In other words, these players did not use serum to reform their bodies, but their indicators have reached the level of serum injection.

What does that mean?

It's a miracle!

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