Chen Feng couldn't help sighing.

After he killed Xing Zhifei before, he realized that Xing Zhifei had defeated so many martial arts practitioners before him. Even the master of banbu was not Xing Zhifei's opponent.

He also heard that it was due to the decline of the southern martial arts.

It is true that there are still some hidden martial arts masters who have not done so or even disdained to do so.

But from Pan Rui just that punch, Chen Feng contact, think of too many things.

There is no big difference between East China and South China, because they are close to the sea. In the early years of economic opening up, many people went to the sea to do business. Where would they practice martial arts.

Chen Feng knows that in recent years, hunting shadow is under the giant shark in the eastern war zone. Even in terms of this factor, the martial arts practitioners in the East are not much better than those in the south.

Although pan Rui is one of the so-called five martial arts in the realm of nature, in his feelings just now, he is simply too incorruptible.

Both the depth of strength and the control of spiritual power were much worse than those of Yanjing martial arts practitioners he met.

Pan Rui's face was blue and purple, and it was easy to get the eggs.

If you dare to kill cattle, it's too scornful.

"Boy, I haven't done my best. How dare you underestimate me so much!" Pan Rui was furious.

All warriors have dignity, not to mention the public here, and he did not give his best.

"Give you a chance, or you'll die here." Chen Feng shook his head directly.

"Good fellow! Instructor Chen, he really dares to say it Hunting in the shadow of the players can not help but be stunned by Chen Feng's remarks.

Qi Xiaoyue also looks pale. It seems that if she does fight, it will cause death!

Although she did not know how powerful Chen Feng was, but these so-called martial arts practitioners against each other, it was enough to kill people in minutes!

"Watch the move

Pan Rui's face was red with anger. He roared and hit him with another blow.

His blow was extremely quick, like a raging dragon out to sea. Although there was no potential for a landslide, it had the power of a mountain and a tsunami.


At the same time, he stepped on the floor and felt the whole step was full of terror.

"Drillmaster pan is going to do his best!"

"He's dead! This time, even if you don't die, you have to peel off the skin! "

"Hum! This is his own fault

Chen Feng looked at the fist, and his eyes flashed a touch of light.

A warrior also has dignity. Although he is not a real warrior, he is also a warrior. He has given the other party a chance, but the other side does not cherish it at all.

Some people, if not given a lesson, will not have a long memory.

And some people, if they don't slap hard, don't know that they are actually frogs in the well.

Chen Feng's eyes open, a kind of tiger eye light is emitted, this moment, Chen Feng's whole body breath is changed.

Fierce, tough, full of a fierce king's gas, that feeling, as if the king of the forest came out to look for food, not angry but powerful, immobile and submissive.

"The breath of instructor Chen..." The mountain was stunned.

This is obviously the symbol of the tiger, the king of the forest!

That feeling, it is to let people avoid three feet, people moved.

Even Wang Xingming, the commanding officer, was moved.

"No! Perry, hide

Chen Feng's deep roar of tiger came from his throat --

"look at the tiger players, this is the last lesson our instructor will teach you. The tiger climbs the mountain hard!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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