So you are master Chen!

This sentence, even if it exploded in the ears of all people, was the first to react, of course, pan Rui, Gou zangqing, and others.

"How could it be? He He is the master Chen who is famous in the martial arts and Taoism circles in the south, and his hand blade is Xing Zhifei? " Pan Rui was completely confused.

Gou zangqing's eyes are also flashing bright light, his mind is shaking.

Even Qi Xiaoyue and Dashan all took a deep breath. Their throat seemed to be strangled and could not speak.

It is said that master Chen beat Xing Zhifei with two fists and cut him in half with one sword.

In that war, the entire southern martial arts world felt the existence of shocking.

Everyone named master Chen the first person under the master! And there are rumors that he is a martial arts master!

Especially in the Southern War Zone, it is a mythical figure.

Even the eastern theater, of course, does not know about master Chen.

"He He is Donghai leibi, the master Chen who killed Tong Li? "

Those school officials are completely shocked, some dare not look at Chen Feng's eyes, and even have a kind of heart to escape.

What did they say just now?

They even compared Chen Feng with master Chen, and thought that even if they had the same surname, it could never be master Chen.

But now?

It's no wonder that he said something about martial arts master and how he said it.

Perhaps, only master Chen, who even despises shaohefeng, one of the three martial arts masters, is qualified to say this.

Gou zangqing has now fully understood what kind of existence he had provoked.

Now he wanted to slap himself hard and find a crack to get in.

Are you qualified to challenge him? As soon as you become a master, you will have your own skills.

I am a mole ant in front of them!

One slap is enough to kill him, the triple warrior of fortune realm!

A man must not have pride, but he must not be without pride.

This is the pride of instructor Chen!

Chen Feng slightly shook his head and said, "is it master Chen and what? People who practice martial arts should take martial arts as their first priority. Fame and wealth are just floating clouds. "

From the beginning to the end, he didn't want to admit his identity, which was just the security given to him by the outside world, so he killed Xing Zhifei and left directly.

Chen Feng's tone and attitude of non recognition deepened Wang Xingming's dignity.

"Isn't drillmaster Chen the rumored master Chen?" Asked Dashan, dumbfounded.

After all, he had a straight head and didn't think too much.

But Wang Zhuo and Bai Jie look at Chen Feng's eyes, has become different.

Whether Chen Feng admits it or not, pan Rui and Gou Cangqing have already seen Chen Feng as a ghost.

"It's a good name, but you're not worth it. Mr. Chen, you're worth it." Wang Xingming took a deep breath.

"Well, if I don't do it today, I think you won't give up. In that case..."

Chen Feng has always wanted to calm people, but the trees want to be quiet and the wind is not only.

Taoists are dignified and can't be provoked!

What's more, he is still master Chen!

Chen Feng's eyes, all of a sudden, there is a fine light flashing out, like a meteor in the sky, cutting through the void.

A vast breath, such as the rushing sea, enveloped the land of 500 meters.

Everyone was shocked to find that their feet couldn't move, and they even suffocated their breath.

"What kind of martial arts is this?" Wang Xingming was like a big enemy, his eyes became the most dignified in his life.

"Da Zhen Wu Jue, void shock!"

Chen Feng stretched out his right forearm, his fist suddenly clenched, and countless air currents gathered around him like crazy. Chen Feng slightly turned his body, and his eyes were awe inspiring. His fist was hit out.

At the moment of hitting out, the air is instantly detonated. At the same time of one blow, the terrifying force seems to be sweeping out with the power of heaven and earth.

At this moment, the floor was broken. Along the way, a gully of three meters deep and five meters wide was pushed out, and then it directly spread to Wang Xingming.

"What?" Wang Xingming's pupils shrank. He felt a kind of fear, a kind of death, a kind of destructive oppression.

He couldn't imagine that the martial arts of martial arts could be so terrible.

How does he know that this is not only martial arts, but also a kind of Taoist method, which is called -

Zhenwu Daofa!

Wang Xingming's face changed wildly. In his impatience, he had no time to react. He could only cross his hands and block his life's spiritual power in front of his chest , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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