It is not a good friend, Cai Bingyan, who else does this kind of teasing.

Yanying college is next to Yanda, but the party has not come for several months.

Song Yuwen is still as beautiful as a disaster, but since she came back from Shenchuan last month, a question has been lingering in her mind, which makes her eyebrows more melancholy.

Nature is the window of the world. Is master Chen the man she knows?

But the voice was so much like the man in the impression.

And she knew that guy had been on leave for two months.

Where on earth has he gone?

Dai Hua is also very surprised, as if the events of last month happened yesterday.

"Master Chen is really powerful. You must also associate with Chen Feng. It is undeniable that Chen Feng's martial arts are very strong, but he has not reached the level of that day, has he? "

The master Chen that day, as well as the man named Xing Zhifei from overseas, absolutely exceeded their understanding of reality.

The power of fighting can even break the iron wall. At last, the tower has become two parts for no reason. It is just incredible.

However, Su Rou and Shen Hao in the crowd were both silent.

Shen Hao had a very clear look and was very proud.

"If you know that master Chen is Chen Feng, I don't know what reaction you will have."

Yes, he knows that is Chen Feng, but he is not the only one to know, and Su rou.

Su Rou is silent, her eyes are a little high spirited.

"If Dad had not told me that Chen Feng was master Chen, maybe I would not have known his identity."

Song Yuwen gave a bitter smile and could only shake her head slightly.

Yes, Chen Feng surprised them many times, but such force is just too against the weather.

Cai Bingyan is careless and interested in everything. Her attention turns to this lecture class.

"In other words, it's really difficult to get the quota this time! I used a lot of connections to get a few tickets. I heard from the students here at Yanda that the specially appointed professor is still a little handsome. " Cai Bingxin said excitedly.

Dai Hua was not jealous. He was very interested in his family background and appearance. He came here because the publicity of the open class was too large, so he came to listen to the class.

They would never come to this so-called lecture on traditional Chinese medicine.

Just because of one person.

Yes, Chen Feng.

They know that Chen Feng is from the Department of traditional Chinese medicine of Yanda Medical College, and they have not seen Chen Feng for two months.

Don't know how, for Chen Feng, Dai Hua, although they just started to be high, but there is really no confidence behind Chen Feng.

A man who met a fierce man like Qin Yinglong, who had a relationship with the fourth master of Tang family, and had such a strong force. To tell the truth, if possible, they really don't want to be enemies with Chen Feng.

"Maybe we can see Chen Feng." Su Rou said expectantly.

"Yes, yes, I haven't seen Chen Feng for two months." Shen Hao also cut in.

Cai Bing grinded at him and said, "Yo, when did you become his fan? Was he awed by his martial arts? You don't want to be artistic. You can learn martial arts with Chen Feng. "

This is a bit of a joke, but also a bit of teasing.

"I want to learn, but I'm not appreciated by others." Shen Hao shrugged.

How do you know that master Chen is so powerful that he can teach people casually?

I'm afraid I'm nothing in front of him.

"Well, let's go in." Song Yuwen also smiles, her eyes seem to have a trace of expectation.

"Look at our beauties. I can't wait." Cai Bingyan joked.

Song Yuwen's face turned red and glared. She stopped Cai Bingyan and left: "you talk the most."

When they arrived at the auditorium, they found that there was already a huge crowd of people in an auditorium that could seat thousands of people. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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