The entire venue, as if a depth charge had been dropped, instantly ignited the emotions of all the people.

"Trough! This guy is not slandered

"Where are you from? Second, no one is the first? Is that too arrogant? "

"I have never heard of such a guy in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine in China! How could he say such a thing? "

The students in the whole auditorium became lively, but almost all of them were persistent voices.

Even song Yuwen and others were stunned by Chen Feng's remarks.

They thought that Chen Feng's sentence "I dare not say that I am the outstanding one", but the latter sentence is simply a turning point!

Second, no one dares to recognize the first. What the hell is that?

Oh, no, that's not the leader, that's the leader, that's the first person of Chinese medicine!

How arrogant, or how cheeky is it to say such a big thing?

Song Yuwen, Su Rou, Dai Hua and Cai Bingyan all have strange faces.

"Is it because his martial arts skills are so powerful that he is inflated. I still read martial arts novels a lot, thinking that all great swordsmen can heal and transport poison, so... " Cai Bingyan muttered.

Even if they knew Chen Feng a little, they felt very embarrassed.

Shen Hao's eyes are shining. The brain powder excitedly exclaimed, "in my opinion, Chen Feng must have said this because of his self-confidence."

At the same time, several people looked at Shen Hao with an excited face and thought that this guy was not a fool

"Madman! This guy is absolutely crazy

"What happened to the medical school of Yanda? How can you give a madman the title of a special professor? "

In the audience, the second row is almost all the Discipline Inspection Commission of other departments of the University, or League branch secretaries, professors and so on. These are to support the field.

In general, teachers from other colleges and departments will be invited to be guests at some parties and activities held by various departments and colleges.

However, in the face of thousands of questions, even if I was a leader and teacher of other majors in Yanda University, all felt blushed.

Yes, they blush for medical school.

Yanda medical college is a part of Yanda University, together with them, they feel very shameful.

Just because the young man on stage is so arrogant.

Although traditional Chinese medicine is declining in China, there are many people studying Chinese medicine all over the country! It's just less than western medicine.

Besides, there are many old doctors who are not born and retired. How can this boy say such a thing when he is only 20 years old!?

Yu Yousen felt that his face was red and he wanted to find a seam to drill in.

"How can this happen! Tang Yang, you're hurting me Yu Yousen's heart is dark hate!

In fact, he was busy with his affairs. He did not know who Chen Feng was. At that time, he had only heard of the grand Medical Association, but did not know the name of Chen Feng.

After all, people who are not in the circle of traditional Chinese medicine will not pay attention to the affairs of the circle of traditional Chinese medicine.

With this special Professor, when I received the declaration from Zhao Xueer, I was very confused. What about the 20-year-old special professor?

What international joke is this?

Of course, in the end, the Medical Association will send people to come, and even the superior leaders will send people to come. Can he not agree?

And up to now, Professor Chen on the stage is simply beyond his expectation.

Professor Feng, the honorary president of Capital Medical University, who is good at Chinese and Western medicine, is particularly black.

At the same time, the medical people also think that the man on the stage is simply ignorant of the future.

This not only offended thousands of TCM practitioners, but also insulted the quintessence of TCM!

After a long time, it was quiet at last. Chen Feng did not speak during the whole process. When they were all quiet, Chen Feng looked around and said indifferently: "the depth of traditional Chinese medicine, how do you know or ever understand the depth of traditional Chinese medicine. Your so-called medical skills are not worth mentioning in front of me. "


As soon as this was said, the whole auditorium seemed to be shaken by a cannon. The uproar generated by this incident was several times more sensational than that just now , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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