There has been a saying in the university that is -

as long as you are a science major, people who don't understand it sound like listening to the book of heaven.

As long as it's a liberal arts major, people who don't understand it or are not interested in it sound like a lullaby.

Medicine is a science major, and more than a third of the people present are not medical.

Most of them came to see the true face of the so-called 20-year-old, the youngest distinguished professor in history.

But now, the crowd is furious, and the audience has become the target of public criticism. Moreover, they are questioned in public by an honorary president, the vice president of the first hospital in China, and the leader in the medical field who is over 60 years old.

Yes, the originally boring open class is like a grand play of the six kingdoms' prime minister in an instant. Everyone is concentrating on it.

Maybe they want to see Professor Chen's speechless and flat faced with Feng Xiayu.

Perhaps deep down in their hearts, they are looking forward to whether Professor Chen has real talent.

In particular, the students and teachers of Yanda hold their breath and dare not breathe.

As the saying goes, if one person gets the way, all majors of Yanda are in the same breath. Where there are some big talented students, or what scientific research achievements have been made, or which major has published some revolutionary papers in some international academic forum, the reputation of Yanda is naturally rising, and the students of Yanda are connected with each other, and they will feel the light on their faces in front of other schools.

However, on the contrary, if Professor Chen on the stage can not provide any real materials, the reputation of the medical college will definitely be ruined. Along with Yanda, the students of various departments and colleges will feel ashamed to go out.

Everyone looked at Feng Xiayu and seemed to be looking forward to what he wanted to ask.

Feng Xiayu stares at Chen Feng and says: "you say you study Chinese medicine. I don't care whether you have a Chinese medicine practitioner's certificate or not. Don't say I don't give you a chance. I'll start with the simplest one, and you'll tell me eight Chinese Medicine Classics."

Those medical students suddenly snorted and said, "eight classics of traditional Chinese medicine, which is already very simple."

"Although it's simple, if it's not for people who major in traditional Chinese medicine, let alone eight books, even four books can't be said."

"Hey, it's not the compendium of Materia Medica" and "Treatise on Febrile and miscellaneous diseases" that I learned in junior high school. Even if I'm not a student of traditional Chinese medicine, I can find a middle school student to tell you a few

Song Yuwen and their several people looked at each other, and they were not stupid. It was obvious that Feng Xiayu was digging a pit for Chen Feng!

After all, what traditional Chinese Medicine Classics "Huangdi Neijing", "compendium of Materia Medica" and "Treatise on Febrile and miscellaneous diseases" were recited when they were learning celebrities in middle school!

If Chen Feng said these classics, it is not a joke, there is a suspicion of fishing in troubled waters?

Shangguan Ling Yi, a doctor from ancient times, is smart. Of course, she knows that Feng Xiayu is testing Chen Feng.

Of course, she believes that Chen Feng will not be so simple to be set.

Chen Feng light way: "this is not simple, don't say eight, even if it is 80, you have heard, did not hear, I can tell you."

Who is Chen Feng? The descendants of Hua Tuo have the original that can never be forgotten.

He took a dip in the library when he was in Shenchuan. In addition, he had been studying traditional Chinese medicine for a long time. Chen Feng wrote down all the things related to traditional Chinese medicine for 5000 years in his head.

Not to mention 80 books, even if you include the unofficial records of the ancient books which have not been published in the elegant hall; or the less famous ones, which are only recorded in the historical books; or the ones that are not used as teaching materials, or only the original rubbings of the museum, Chen Feng knows.

Feng Xiayu said coldly: "Eighty books, Professor Chen is really a joke! Don't you have the suspicion of bluffing again when you say that? No more, just eight. "

"Synopsis of the Golden Chamber", "Jinjian of Yizong", "Linhu pulse study", "Neijing", "tangtougejue", "fufu", "Baiji Qianjin Yaofang", oh, there is still one copy missing. That's my favorite qingnanjing. " Chen Feng talks like a family treasure.

However, Feng Xiayu and some other professors suddenly froze. Even those who just teased Chen Feng would say those books that we all know about are even dumbfounded.

For those who are not major in medicine, except for the works of Hua Tuo in qingnanjing, others are almost unheard of!

Among the medical departments present, a small part of them are from other colleges majoring in traditional Chinese medicine. They are all full of breath and mouth.

"My God, these books are like It's like, it's dust sealed, isn't it

Another student majoring in traditional Chinese medicine murmured: "it seems that some colleges still use bookshelves to cushion..."

For a moment, the audience's eyes were strange, looking at Chen Feng on the stage , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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