"Are you?" Shangguan Ling Zheng, do not know who this person is.

After all, there are many international exchange students in Yanda. It's normal to see foreigners. But now it's evening. If you come here, you must be looking for Chen Feng.

"Hello, my Chinese name is Vandy forth. You can call me Fandi. Nice to meet you."

After that, Fandi reached out his hand in a friendly way, and Shangguan Ling was stunned. The reflex was to hold it up.

After greeting shangguanling, Fandi asked politely, "may I come in?"

"Oh, yes, please come in."

Shangguan Ling quickly get out of the way.

This foreigner named Fandi was surprised by her fluent Chinese. She guessed that he must be a young man in a professional field, and she must have asked Chen Feng for advice.

Fandi went to Chen Feng. Suddenly, his friendly attitude towards Shangguan Ling changed suddenly. He looked at Chen Feng and asked directly, "Professor Chen, take the liberty to ask, are you a monk?"

"Monk After hearing this, Shangguan Ling suddenly lost her face.

To her surprise, how could this man named Fandi know the monk?

And she was even more surprised. Why would this person ask Chen Feng if he was a monk!?

"Chen Feng, is he..." Shangguan Ling was very surprised.

Strictly came, she this is not surprised, more is an accident, is surprised.

She even recalled Chen Feng's remarks at that time --

as you can see, traditional Chinese medicine can save people, but it can also save itself, such as maintaining the same appearance, prolonging life, living to 200 years old, breaking through the limits of the human body, and even possessing some power beyond imagination.

At that time, she conjectured that these things were already in the category of cultivating truth. How could they be related to traditional Chinese medicine?

In fact, Shangguan Ling did not know that Qi medicine could enter the Tao, because she had not reached the highest level.

Secondly, this is the most important point. She does not know why Chen Feng said those words, because the so-called breaking through the limits of the human body and possessing extraordinary power, ordinary people can't say such words at all.

Unless it's a monk!

Isn't it strange that someone even asked Chen Feng whether he was a monk?

Shangguan Ling's more eyes are on Chen Feng, who she cares about.

By two people stare, Chen Feng not only does not have any color change, calm posture, on the contrary, as if nothing happened.

"Mr. Fandy, I don't know who you are, but even if I know who you are, whether I am a monk or not, what do you have to do with it?" Chen Feng gave Fandi a light look.

And this time, Shangguan Ling heart more surprised.

Only because, for fan Di's question, Chen Feng can be so calm and self-contained!

Shouldn't ordinary people be a little surprised?

But Chen Feng, it seems that he has already known the identity of this person.

This makes Shangguan Ling more surprised. Is Chen Feng really a monk?

With a cold look on his face, Fandi said haughtily, "you have an idiom in China, which is self-evident. I should have guessed it right by looking at Professor Chen's reaction."

Chen Feng didn't know about Fandi's identity, but by the time he appeared at the door, he had already reached the six senses of the later stage of Qi refining and had already felt some unusual breath fluctuations.

"Come on, you are not welcome here." Chen Feng directly waved his hand and ordered him to leave.

If it was before, he would ask for the identity of the other party.

But now?

Chen Feng has already seen the strange, the most important thing is, even if the other side is the so-called "power person" and so on?

He was no longer a fledgling boy who had just begun to see the "non-human" things of housekeepers.

"Don't be angry, Professor Chen. I'm from Britain, from the wizard guild which has been passed down for thousands of years."

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