Fandi didn't hear what Chen Feng said. After all, most foreigners don't speak in a roundabout way. Naturally, the way they think about things is quite different from those in the East.

Fandi continued to sneer: "I know that there are some people in Citigroup who claim to be traditional Chinese medicine. One or two of them have reached the ranks of so-called monks. But in my opinion, they are just little children, nothing at all."

"Oh? Are you talking about the overseas Chinese Medicine Association Chen Feng asked lightly.

"They are. A group of arrogant guys think that their medical skills are so superb. In terms of medical skills, we also have witch doctors in the West. What do you want to look at, hear, ask, and give needles and moxibustion? What's the difference between them and barbarians? "

This makes Shangguan Ling surprised and angry.

To my surprise, the overseas Chinese medicine association mentioned by Fandi was quite like Sun Yang and his group!

What shocked her most was that Fandi said that the overseas medical association was full of monks?

Isn't that strange?

Although Qi medicine practices medicine with Qi, how can it involve a monk?

And what Fan Di said coincides with those in Chen Feng's class about breaking through the limits of the human body and gaining magical power?

If what Fandi said is true, it proves that Qi medicine can enter the ranks of monks!

To be more direct, Chen Feng knew from the beginning that when Qi medicine reached its peak, he could enter the Tao with medicine!

She didn't even think of it and didn't know it!

She was angry that traditional Chinese medicine was so extensive and profound that she was said to be worthless by Fandi. Shouldn't she feel angry?

As a woman who regards traditional Chinese medicine as her own life, how can she allow others to humiliate her national quintessence?

"Mr. Fandy! Please don't insult our quintessence of Chinese culture! You are not welcome here. Please leave! " Shangguan Ling restored the earliest indifference, but her little face was flushed with anger, but she felt a little angry.


Who knows, Fandi's eyes flashed a white light, his mouth said words, like some ancient incantations, immediately toward Shangguan Ling empty.

Shangguan Ling Ling is thrown into the air, which is directly printed on the wall. On her body, and then there are numerous vines, which stick her whole person on the wall.

It's shangguanling's turn to lose color. Is this western magic?

"Professor Chen, didn't you tell these ordinary human beings that the supernatural cannot be offended?" Fandy's face was indifferent and obviously dissatisfied.

"Chen Feng! Let's go Shangguan Ling seems to be aware of something, Huarong pale, immediately is shouting.

But Chen Feng's face is still indifferent, his eyes, like the calm lake, calm.

However, under the surface of the lake, you can see a fierce Loch Ness monster, as if it was about to burst out.

"This is the power of our magicians," continued Fandi. I'm not afraid to tell you that the president of our guild can be summoned from the mountains and the sea. How can you compare his ability with those of Chinese monks? "

"Is this the capital you flaunt in front of me?" Chen Feng asked again.

Fandi frowned and said coldly, "isn't that enough? I have been in China for a few months, and I also learned that the so-called martial arts practitioners are just a group of primitive people who are fighting with an advanced strength like primary school students. We magicians... "

"Have you said enough?" Chen Feng looked at Fandi and interrupted.

That kind of indifferent eyes, that kind of eyes, is simply looking at the ants all the time.

Fandi disdained to say: "you Chinese are a group of barbarians, even the most basic..."

However, Fandi did not speak, a shadow was in front of him, and his pupil shrank suddenly , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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