The spirit power in Chen Feng's body suddenly swarmed out. The blue lightsaber had not reached his palm, as if it had been oppressed by countless pressures. Suddenly, it turned into countless light spots and disappeared in the air.

For a moment, Fandi's whole face was stiff, and even shangguanling was completely petrified.

“NO!” Fandi's face was pale and bloodless,


Fandy felt that all this was the same as subverting his world outlook.

"Is this the ability of a monk? How could Huaxia have such a powerful man? "

Van die was sweating, and the young man in front of him was almost as frightened as a ghost.

Chen Feng stepped forward slowly and said, "Mr. Fandi, I want to ask you, how are the barbarians and monks you come into contact with compared with me?"

Fandi felt that the man in front of him was a mountain and a sharp sword. He kept retreating, and then his back was numb. Finally, he leaned against the wall and could not retreat.

There was no expression on his face, but under his calm face, it was more terrible than the blade of murder.

He never imagined that the strength of Professor Chen could be so frightening, even death.

Chen Feng has gone to the place where he was three steps ago, and Fandi's lips are white.

"You haven't answered me yet." Chen Feng looked at Fandi and said faintly.

"I I... " I don't know why, Fandi's whole speech is incoherent. I don't know if the other party's hand was too shocking just now. He destroyed his magic when he raised his hand, which made his brain a terror.

"You, don't kill me, I I'm the sorcerer guild... " Fandi tried to calm his turbulent heart, but the next moment --

"answer me!"

All of a sudden, Chen Feng burst out and drank. This sound, like a dragon's chant and anger, enveloped by sound waves, and like a deep-sea bomb, exploded and resounded through the world.

Even if it is shangguanling, the whole head and brain are transient hazy, let alone Fandi, who is only three steps away.

Fandi's whole mind was like a river and lake. His ears were buzzing. After a while, his whole body was sitting on the ground, bleeding from seven holes!

Chen Feng looks at this man, eyes do not have a bit of pity, Fandi Zhenge head as the same as the lake, although this person still has a breath, although not dead, but even if wake up, it is also like dementia.

"This is to let you remember that the people who move me will come to no good end." Chen Feng said indifferently.

Shangguan Ling for a long time to come back to God, Chen Feng to her body of the vine to the bare handed tear, Shangguan Ling looked at Chen Feng, pretty face is still pale, the whole person is confused.

"It's OK." Chen Feng comforted.

Shangguan Ling's heart is full of trouble, but at the same time, it is a little warm.

Chen Feng's method is too terrible, which she never imagined.

And warmth is because Chen Feng killed Fandi for her sake?

At the thought of this, she suddenly recovered and said in a panic: "Chen Feng, you He... "

"He's not dead," Chen Feng looked at fan Di, who was sitting on the ground with seven holes bleeding. "He was just stunned by me."

"Really?" Shangguan Ling obviously doesn't believe it. Seven holes bleed! If it had been normal, it would have been dead!

With the sound wave just now, it makes people feel that it is the ghost sound, and all the souls and spirits have to be shattered.

"Of course, but he can't go back." Chen Feng added.

Shangguan Ling realized that something was wrong and said, "what should I do? He's a member of the sorcerer guild, and those guys are not for fun

"I don't want to kill him. I've been kind to him. If these people don't know what's good or bad, I'll kill one. I'll kill a pair. I'll kill a pair!" Chen Feng said lightly, without putting those people in the eyes.


Chen Feng smile, such as the spring breeze, let people feel warm.

"No, but I don't care if I hurt the people around me, even if the emperor Laozi."

Shangguan Ling's heart is warm, unconsciously, she looks at Chen Feng's eyes, unexpectedly some are in a daze , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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