Chen Feng didn't know the origin of the so-called Wuzhang school, but when he heard the name, he suddenly remembered that he had met a proud martial arts school, which was kongxiang martial arts school.

"Is this martial arts club a martial arts school in the circle? It's the same as kongxiang martial arts school? " Chen Feng asked.

Yanjing is one of the birthplaces of Chinese martial arts, and Chen Feng has been very disappointed with the martial arts circle in the south, but Yanjing is not the same.

There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers here. Chen Feng's current cultivation and ability are only exposed to the martial arts family in half a circle, just like the Yang family.

The real core of those families, martial arts schools and so on, he did not contact.

Zhu Ning's eyes were dignified and said, "what is kongxiang martial arts school? At best, they touch a little circle. And wuzhangguan is a real family in the circle. Although they are not the most powerful, they can be said to exist outside the circle. If there is a military staff hall as a supporter this time, then Xie Bo dares to move Qin Yinglong in a blatant way, then the explanation will be clear. "

"Oh? What is the strength of the people in Wuzhang hall? " Chen Feng asked again.

"It is said that LV Jinde, the owner of the museum, has just stepped into the ranks of masters recently, and has become a strong man in the martial arts circle of Yanjing. He has a diamond fist and a combination of Xuan stick and staff, which is very terrifying. I heard that when he was in the seventh state of creation, the master of half step in Yanjing was not his opponent. He directly jumped over the half step master and broke through to the master's realm, but it was very rare. "

Chen Feng listened and nodded slightly: "you are right. It's really rare to make a breakthrough to the grand master directly by creating the seven realms."

According to Chen Feng's guess, LV Jinde's current strength is about the same as Xing Zhifei, the master of banbu, who was killed by him before.


Chen Feng light way: "even if the master how, but just stepped into it."

Zhu Ning looks at Chen Feng in surprise.

In his opinion, a master is like a tiger. He kills without leaving a mark. Once he enters the master, he is strong and strong. He is no longer a common martial arts practitioner.

Moreover, the martial arts masters are all gods and dragons who can not see the end. They are rarely seen in the secular world.

Because in their eyes, ordinary people or the so-called master Neijin Wudao are just like ants in their eyes.

He Yang didn't know what Lu Jinde was, and what's more, he didn't know what master Wudao was. He even said, "brother Ning, it seems that the man's name is not Lu Jinde! I vaguely heard Xie Bo's men call him brother Ming

"Brother Ming? Lu Ming? Lu Jinde's son? " Zhu Ning frowned.

"But this man's strength is also very strong. The five levels of the state of nature, we..."

Speaking of this, Zhu Ning couldn't help but take a look at Chen Feng.

He doesn't know how strong Chen Feng is, but he has just broken through the realm of martial arts in the realm of fortune. He can't be the opponent of Lu Ming.

But with Chen Feng, it's not the same.

"Well, let's go for a walk."

"But..." This time it was Zhu Ning's turn to hesitate.

"What else should I worry about?" Chen Feng asked.

He took a deep breath and his eyes solidified: "when I first came back to Yanjing, I wanted to challenge Qin Yinglong before seeking revenge. At that time, I didn't know how strong he was. But later, I was defeated by one move and was interrupted by him."

"This man is well-known for the true story of his father, Lu Jinde, and is ruthless and ruthless, and specializes in the key points. Xie Bo found him, and I was afraid of Ying Long... "

Chen Feng's eyes inadvertently flashed a cold light: "if it is really like this, I will let him pay the price."

"He Yang, lead the way." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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