Xie Bo frowned slightly: "master Chen? Why is the name familiar? "

Xie Bo was silent for a long time, and murmured: "I heard that last year, four maritime trading groups in the East China Sea opened an underground arena in Donghai Town, and then stipulated the ownership of the routes. Then Tianshui city seemed to have obtained the rights of most routes in the end..."

"That's right. At that time, the person invited by Jidong province was Tongli, a disciple of shaohefeng, one of the three great masters of Wandao Green Gang. But at that time, a man named master Chen killed the two moves!"

"Shaohefeng? Bay island? " Xie Bo couldn't help being surprised.

This shaohefeng, not only in the circle, but also in the secular world, is almost like God and man.

It can be said that in the bay island, shaohefeng is simply regarded as the existence of God.

But Xie Bo said faintly, "it seems that master Chen is very powerful? Even you start to pay attention to it. "

Lu Ming said coldly: "pay attention to the tone of your speech. If it's someone who talks to me like this on weekdays, I would have twisted his head off!"

Shepard shrugged, took a sip of his cigar, and didn't care.

If Lu Ming doesn't agree with him, how can he agree with him?

He snorted in his heart. He was not afraid of LV Ming's threat to him.

Although Xie Bo is not a member of the circle, he knows a lot of things in the circle.

However, he has never been afraid of these people who use force beyond their imagination. Because of his family background, even the people in the circle can not move them.

This is also the reason why Xie Bo dare to be bold in front of Lu Ming.

Xie Bo was proud in his heart. He snorted coldly: "Lu Ming, please take your temper in front of me! We are neither an employer nor a friend. If it is not due to our status, do you think we Xie's family will come to your wuzhangguan? "

Of course, Lu Ming also knows the details of the Xie Bo family. He said in a deep voice: "Xie Bo, you leave the family, what are you? If it wasn't for the one in your family? Do you have the right to speak before me? "

Xie Bo was also very angry and laughed, and said, "Oh? Then you try to move me? At that time, even your father can't protect you! "

Lu Ming was very angry. Although he was very angry, he was careless and meticulous. He also remembered what his father Lu Jinde told him before he came out --

"Ah Ming, you go to help Xie's family to do things and restrain your temper. Xie's family is mysterious and unpredictable. Even I'm afraid of three experts in my family. Don't contradict Xie's people. If we can win over the Xie family, we will have one more backer in Yanjing, and our position in the circle will be able to suppress those few. If you can't bear it, you will make a big plan. Don't

Lu Ming takes a deep breath and tries to calm his anger in his eyes.

As the saying goes, small intolerance leads to chaos and big plans. He still knows this truth. First of all, Xie's family has a deep foundation, and they can't be provoked by them.

Secondly, the Xie family is not their enemy, but an ally.

Xie Bo was born as a dandy with a big family and great career. In Yanjing, Xie Bo is not afraid of heaven and earth. He has never been such a bird.

But he also knows how to be proper. The martial staff hall will depend on it in the future.

In addition, he was born into a famous family and has a high spirit. He looks down on these people born by force. But it is undeniable that in real society, such people are much better than money in some cases.

His tone softened a lot, and he said coldly, "look at you, is Qin Yinglong related to this master Chen?"

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