Lu Ming yelled. Suddenly, a faint golden light flashed on his fist. His body was like a tiger, and he moved like a lion. With a strong breath of suffocation, he rushed over.

At the moment of his fist attack, suddenly, the golden light was generous, and a strong clanging gas suddenly came into being. Suddenly, he hit Chen Feng.

The fist did not have too much momentum, nor did it have the momentum of rushing and roaring. However, the moment of the blow was enough to make people feel that even the steel plate could be pierced.

"Diamond fist!"

In the distance, Zhu Ning's heart was raised to his throat.

Vajra boxing is the dependence of the martial arts club. It is said that this powerful martial art came from Shaolin Temple boxing.

The power of King Kong is invincible!

There was a glimmer of disdain in Lu Ming's eyes. He was very confident in his diamond fist. He himself, even a warrior of the same rank in Yanjing, did not dare to take advantage of his blow so easily.

How can this young man, who is less than 20 years old, be his own opponent, even if he is not a man of two or three or four at most?

But seeing his expressionless face, Lu Ming's heart is full of scorn.

But then, he was a fool.


Chen Feng finally made a move. He held out a hand, and the flash of lightning was Lu Ming's diamond fist.



The amazing strength of Qi suddenly erupted between the hand and the fist. The invisible sound waves spread around. Xie Bo and others who were close to each other were shaken off several steps to stabilize their bodies.

Chen Feng's hair was blown up in the gale, and his clothes also showed a pulling posture. However, his steps were as stable as Mount Tai, and his face remained unchanged.

But Lu Ming's face suddenly changed. He felt that his fist had hit the iron wall and could not move forward.

That's the martial arts inherited from my family!

He is proud of the power, in front of each other, even as the force of ants?

Xie Bo's whole person completely did not have that kind of dandy manner, he whole person also was shocked.

He is very clear about the strength of Wuzhang hall, especially LV Ming. Although he looks down on him, it is up to him these days. Qin Yinglong's gang of mobs can be cleaned up and he can become a new star in the new underground world so quickly.

However, in his opinion, the martial arts master who can kill dozens of special forces by one person is like a master of martial arts in front of this young man.

Chen Feng looked down on the earth as if he were arrogant to the king. He said, "the fire of fluorescence dare to compete with the bright moon. How stupid it is to dare to challenge me even though you are in the state of nature. "

Lu Ming's face changed greatly. His whole body trembled. Suddenly, he wanted to draw back his fist. However, he found that his fist was caught by the other party. It was as stable as a stone chime and motionless as a pair of tongs.

"Boy, you want to die!"

Lu Ming roars, and he has another punch. Countless golden lights gather on his fist. He is ready to launch another attack. But who knows, Chen Feng has been suppressing his anger, and his eyes flash with light.



The sound of shrill screams sounded, and an invisible energy suddenly wrapped around his fist. With a shrill scream, his whole fist, like paste, was crushed and exploded by a terrible force.

Xie Bo and others are trembling all over. This guy, who looks like a god man to them, has been pinched and burst between his hands. What kind of strength is this?


In the meantime, Lu Feng ran threw away the garbage.


On the wall, it was smashed in an instant. All the bricks fell down and buried Lu Ming.

For a moment, the whole audience was silent, and Xie Bo and his party were shocked , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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