Why don't you know me!

It's just another person!

Zhu Ning has seen Chen Feng's power, and he knows the details of Chen Feng. He can accept it, but he Yang simply can't accept it. The legendary master Chen, even more the murderous appearance just now, is just like a different person!

Of course, what he Yang doesn't know is that after all contact with Chen Feng, he will fight for him as tough as ever, usually young and mature, and young at first sight.

It's hard to imagine that this man is still a college student. He is only 20 years old, isn't he?

Of course, all the shock of He Yang has been fully demonstrated in the factory.

Chen Feng turned to ask: "this Xie family, what is the matter?"

For the Xie family, Chen Feng is not so much interested in it as more of a doubt.

Only because Qin Yinglong gave him the attitude that Xie Bo might have been extraordinary.

Chen Feng is not stupid. He can find people from Wuzhan hall and know the children of eight banners. The Xie family says that he is an ordinary family, and he can't believe it.

Zhu Ning and he Yang looked at each other and saw serious doubts. They immediately shook their heads.

"You don't know?" Chen Feng was surprised.

He had never paid much attention to these forces in Yanjing and had no interest in understanding them.

All he knows is that Yanjing has three families, Tang family, Song family and a money family.

All three families are very strong.

For example, the Qian family has something to do with the military headquarters. For example, Qian Zhongyue still holds the rank of general. According to his conjecture, the Qian family may have something to do with the army.

Another is the Song family.

It is said that the Song family is an old family in Yanjing, and its influence is mostly distributed in politics. Chen Feng doesn't know much about it.

It goes without saying that the Tang family is relatively familiar. Although the Tang family's industrial focus is not in Yanjing or even in Huaxia, the Tang family has abundant capital and has many overseas industries.

In addition, the position of master Tang Ruishan, a warrior in the realm of nature, is a deterrent to all sides.

Of course, when Chen Feng first got to know Tang Ruishan, he was already a martial artist in the realm of nature, and seemed to be heading for a higher-level martial arts master. In addition, after he had his mind training last time, Tang Ruishan's seclusion would be more smooth.

As for the Tang family, Chen Feng still has a question in his mind, that is, what is the relationship between the Tang family and Tangmen? Zhu Ning did not know at that time, and he did not think much about it.

It can be said that the three families in Yanjing were only exposed to the surface level, and he also knew that these three families were absolutely extraordinary.

But he still won't go into it.

Chen Feng and Tang Ruishan of the Tang family, Tang Zhiyou, and even Tang Xiaoxuan, who has disappeared, have a good relationship.

And Song family, song Xuanze is still his apprentice, song Qiuxi is also very close to himself, his reputation in the field of traditional Chinese medicine in Yanjing is to a large extent, he added fuel to the flames.

In Qian's family, he and Qian Zhongyue are only on one side. The latter wants to invite himself to join some special forces.

These are just superficial.

The so-called not in his position, do not touch their deep-seated relationship, of course, Chen Feng will not deliberately make friends.

For example, he knew that song Qiuxi had a hidden disease and was afraid to be poisoned. Chen Feng was just a verbal reminder.

These are family affairs. What is he as an outsider? What's the right to intervene?

But this time it's not the same.

The Xie family moves Qin Yinglong, that is to say, Chen Feng, and Chen Feng also knows that he and Xie's family are mostly married.

He Yang was silent for a long time, and said, "this Xie family has been in Yanjing in the past few months..."

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