Ying Shu's strength did not reach the level of martial arts master, but his physical strength reached the level of martial arts master because of his long-term cultivation and cultivation of heaven and Earth Spirit.

Such a "monk" is very terrible.

Generally speaking, Daofa itself is much stronger than martial arts.

Moreover, as far as the ancient situation is concerned, the practitioners are basically self-cultivation and self-cultivation. They cultivate the heaven, the earth and the heart. Naturally, in terms of physical strength, if they do not reach the realm of immortality, the physical body itself will not be very strong.

Of course, this is relative to the same strength of martial arts practitioners.

In terms of attack power and attack level, it is not necessary to say much about the power of Taoism.

The huangtaijidao has both body protection skills and the powerful power of Taoism. It is not easy to deal with it.

"Even the army of Yanjing dare not easily provoke such forces. Now I wonder why the Xie family, a member of the overseas forces, can find someone who is on huangtaijidao. " Zhu Ning is still very dignified to say.

The Xie family's power is too mysterious. The mysterious way Qin Yinglong went to check it has no result. Isn't this confusing?

What kind of overseas power can motivate the local monastic forces in the three northern provinces?

Although he Yang heard everything, but after today, he finally knew that there was not only light and darkness in the world, but also "dark" places that ordinary people could not touch.

"And this Wuzhang hall. If the Xie family can call it the Wuzhang hall, it must have a great future."

Of course, he didn't know what kind of martial arts club existed, but he finally saw the strength of Lu Ming and knew that Lu Ming was also a so-called martial arts master.

Zhu Ning pondered: "this is also a question. Lu Jinde, a martial arts master in Wuzhang hall, has the right to speak in the circle. Even they have to sell face to the Xie family. I'm afraid the Xie family has a greater origin than both of them. "

After that, Zhu Ning is looking at Chen Feng, more and more dignified.

In fact, if we really want to calculate, Zhu Ning is worried about two forces, one is the Wuzhang hall, the other is the mysterious Xie family.

Lu Jinde of Wuzhang hall has stepped into the realm of martial arts master. This is not an ordinary martial arts practitioner. Lu Ming's hand is cut off, and his martial arts cultivation is abolished. This will definitely infuriate the martial arts school.

But he is not worried, he clearly knows that Chen Feng's strength now, in the end, to what extent.

He is worried about the Xie family.

"Well, don't think so much. Since you can't think about it, you don't have to think about it. If the Xie family doesn't provoke me, I won't move them, but if they really come to me for revenge, I'm ready. People who practice Taoism are not afraid of the heart and go against the heaven. If they are afraid of this point, their accomplishments will be limited to this. " Chen Feng said lightly and continued to drink a sip of tea.

Zhu Ning takes a deep breath. Chen Feng seems to say this for himself, but also to him.

"That's right. Only when we overcome all difficulties and go straight ahead, can we pursue a higher realm and be taught." Zhu Ning hugged Chen Feng.

"It's over for a while. I have to go and have a rest." Chen Feng gets up and prepares to go upstairs.

When he came back from this trip, he still had many things to prepare. The most important thing was to set up a spirit gathering array in the mid mountain villa.

Because he already had the spirit stone. If he didn't build an array, how could this spirit power, which is almost negligible, maintain his cultivation?

You know, Chen Feng's breakthrough from the four realms of jiedan to the early stage of Qi refining among the Taoists would have exhausted all the aura of the half mountain and water spirit array!

At this time, suddenly a bodyguard in black came in at the door. Naturally, Qin Yinglong had been asked to protect the security personnel here.

"Lord Ning, a woman came and said she was looking for Chen Feng."

Chen Feng stops to stop footstep, in the heart move, way: "let her come in."

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