Chen Feng's heart has been slightly surprised.

He has never been so surprised since he practiced.

Also do not know why, for Lu Xiaoyun this poor woman, he is particularly concerned.

He wants to entangle this woman and rescue Lu Xiaoyun from loneliness.

He has made a successful step. He knows that as long as he works hard and Lu Xiaoyun cooperates with him, Lu Xiaoyun will never be so cold-blooded and ruthless, and will even rejoin his new life.

Instead of living in a dark, lonely, cold, helpless inner world.

Now, Shen Gongbao says that there is news about Lu Xiaoyun. How can he not be nervous?

Most importantly, Shen Gongbao even said that Lu Xiaoyun was in danger of life, which made Chen Feng unable to sit still.

"Can you sense where she is?" Chen Feng asked.

Shen Gongbao said: "no, I didn't mean to attach myself to her breath at that time, so I couldn't confirm her position, but..."

Chen Feng's heart moved, thought of what, way: "but you can go."

Shen Gongbao on the other end of the phone immediately became bitter and said, "Chen Daoyou, I..."

"Don't talk nonsense. In a word, will you go or not?"

The original alchemist was what Shen Gongbao smelled!

Isn't it a simple thing to find Lu Xiaoyun?

Chen Feng of course knew that Shen Gongbao was lazy and didn't want to move, but he didn't dare not go.

But Shen Gongbao faltered and said, "Chen Chen Daoyou, I've been infatuated with the mortal carcass recently, which has resulted in kidney deficiency and weakness, which has affected my mind. So... "

Chen Feng scolded: "so you can sense her position at the beginning, but now you have kidney deficiency, blurred vision and more night urine, right?"

Chen Feng really wants to kick the dead dog to death.

Who knows Shen Gongbao said with a smile: "well, the mortal body can't be reused! Plus I go down to earth, my mana is limited. The body is the carrier of magic power. I don't want to! "

I can't bear your sister!

I don't want your sister!

Chen Feng has a kind of gas explosion feeling, but can't do anything to this color dog.

"But don't worry about it. Although your little girl friend is threatened with her life, as I said just now, her breath fluctuates. Obviously, she has a strong desire to survive, and there is no danger of her life for the time being."

Chen Feng took a deep breath and calmed down temporarily.

Life threats are not life-threatening.

For example, if a thief robs you with a knife and can stab you at any time, that is life-threatening.

Another example is that the knife has been put on his neck and has been stabbed. This is life-threatening.

"Are you sure?"

Shen Gongbao said: "if it is really life-threatening, the breath is not fluctuating, but gradually becoming weak, and then returning to nothingness, which is just like mortals dying of breath."

Chen Feng nods secretly, his heart moves: "by the way, why don't you use divination?"

With divination, if it is the people around you, there will be a vague sign, which is active and involves the natural mechanism.

However, if the people around him are in danger, this kind of ambiguity is doomed to make Chen Feng feel it, and this is passive, which is the special reaction produced by Chen Feng's high-strength Taoist method.

"Lu Xiaoyun is not mine. Strictly speaking, we have no definite relationship. Why didn't I think of it in the first place?"

Of course, Chen Feng didn't think of it.

First, because he came back to Yanjing, he didn't know that Lu Xiaoyun was under threat.

Second, they are worried about the relationship between the Tang clan. If they go forward with their own strength, they will easily be killed. After all, the Tang clan certainly did not intend to let go of Wu Hanjiang.

Third, he and Lu Xiaoyun are not related to each other. Although Chen Feng has the intention, but the goddess has no intention, how can he help Lu Xiaoyun?

After all, regardless of Wu Hanjiang's relationship, Lu Xiaoyun's personality is very resistant to outsiders.

Now, with Wu Hanjiang's relationship, does she kill herself or become friends with herself?

This kind of reason, let Chen Feng never thought of divination.

"Chen Daoyou, I'm sorry to tell you that your divination is useless."


"Because where she is, there is a natural shielding array." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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