Referring to Jin Zhiyuan, Yu Kaixiang is full of respect.

In China, especially in Yanjing, he is the prince of the entertainment group. However, in the face of Jin Zhiyuan, who is almost of his own generation, he is not proud at all. He is even deeply awed by the force of the other side.

He clearly remembered how he was shocked by Jin Zhiyuan, a native of the Southern Dynasty.

When he was studying in Citigroup, he happened to attend an upper class party because he came to the Southern Dynasty for exchange. The party was basically held by the children of big families from all over the world, and Yu Kaixiang was lucky to be added.

At the party, a gang of gangsters wanted to kidnap the childe of these big families. It happened that Yu Kaixiang was one of them.

All of them had automatic rifles on their bodies, but Jin Zhiyuan appeared behind them. He killed these gangsters in two or three times, and even these gangsters were killed without even firing their guns.

That scene, but firmly shocked him.

Then he was privately grateful to Jin Zhiyuan and became friends with the man named Jin Zhiyuan.

In private, he learned that the supernatural force was the national skill of the Southern Dynasty.

"Zhiyuan and I met each other. That year, I went to you for exchange and had the honor to know him. Through the exchange, I learned that you wanted to open the door of China and benefit the whole world. In this case, I would certainly like to be the guide."

"So it is." Jin Dongxu nodded.

However, his eyes were still full of reverence.

Next to Qi Hao did not speak. He was also very curious about the man named Jin Zhiyuan.

It is said that Jin Zhiyuan is very young and powerful in fighting skills.

As a taekwondo enthusiast and determined to learn fighting skills, he naturally respects these strong men.

Jin Dongxu suddenly said: "I heard that there is a club called Taiji society in your school, isn't it?"

Yu Kaixiang looked at Qi Hao. Qi Hao nodded and said, "yes, Mr. Jin. The founder of this Taiji society is said to be the authentic descendant of Taijiquan. "

Jin Dongxu's eyes suddenly turned pale. He said calmly, "I also heard that Taijiquan is one of the three most famous martial arts in China. I have also heard the names of Yang LuChen and sun Lutang. These people have reached the realm of divine power in our Southern Dynasties. I don't know what their descendants are like?"

Yu Kaixiang and Qi Hao were both surprised.

Those who have a little education, especially those who go to school in Yanjing, a thousand year old capital, have heard of the great development of martial arts in Yanjing during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Yang LuChen is a descendant of Taijiquan. It goes without saying that sun Lutang is the most powerful person in the world. He is almost a myth.

But for what three internal boxing, Yu Kaixiang, Qi Hao, these laymen, it is simply not known.

Two people looked at each other, they obviously saw the meaning of Jin Dongxu.

"Why don't I take Mr. Jin to Taiji club and have a look?" Qi Hao said immediately.

This Jin Dongxu is the intermediate contact between douji and Yanying, and is also the vice president of Yanda douji society.

If Yan Ying wants to set up a fighting skills club, he has to get this person to come to the South Dynasty to teach. If he wants to learn fighting skills, he naturally wants to please Mr. Jin.

Although the three great Nei Jia Quan is the thing of his own country, in his opinion, the spread of Taijiquan is just a little fancy. Only in the park and on the square, the grandparents can play it to keep fit.

If we want to fight in real life, it's just a fantasy. I'm afraid even Taekwondo doesn't have to be on.

Yu Kaixiang, not to mention, is not interested in these martial arts. He is the prince of a large entertainment group. He will inherit tens of billions of business in the future. He only needs to make good relations with these people, which is enough.

In his opinion, money and his own life are not important to him.

Although Jin Dongxu didn't change his words and expressions, his meaning was obvious. If he wanted to have a place in Yanying, it was necessary to consolidate his position and deter other societies with force.

"Well, I also want to see how powerful the legendary Taijiquan is."

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