After Chen Feng came out, Yang Hao looked up at Chen Feng's back even more than last time. The figure of the other side seemed to grow bigger and more profound in his own eyes.

They went to the stone stool outside the gymnasium. Although Shen Hao was there, Chen Feng didn't have any taboo. Instead, he asked, "Yang Hao, do you know where Tangmen is?"

Most of Yang Hao's mind was silent in the shock Chen Feng gave him just now, but he didn't expect that as soon as Chen Feng came out, he asked himself this question.

The style of painting became a little faster. Yang Hao was stunned and immediately his face changed greatly. He finally reacted and stared at Chen Feng with wide eyes.

"You How do you think of Tangmen... "

No one knows more about the existence of Tangmen than the Wudao family in their circle.

Because of the things that Tang clan did in the early years, the whole Wulin didn't like them very much. They were almost the number one public enemy in the martial arts circle.

So when he heard the words Tangmen, Yang Hao's first reaction was whether Chen Feng wanted to seek revenge on Tangmen?

Of course, he had another idea, that is, maybe he wanted to "cooperate" with Tangmen.

The so-called cooperation, of course, is to hire and kill.

In the secular world, some people with high status, power and power can secretly contact these Tangmen through middlemen and hire them to kill people.

After all, Tangmen itself is a force that everyone does not like, so their disciples are naturally scattered in the secular world. Since they are in the secular world, they naturally need money to maintain.

For people in the circle like Yang family, even though they have a high level of force and human life is not worth mentioning in their eyes, it is precisely because of their high level of force that they are subject to mutual supervision by various forces.

For example, the military and some organizations.

Otherwise, because of the strength of force or strength, we can do whatever we want. Then, isn't the whole China in chaos?

It is because of the balance of forces that those abnormal masters will not easily step into secular disputes.

It's like generals and housekeepers.

They all have their own sphere of influence. The river water does not violate the well water. They are not allowed to intrude into their own sphere of influence. Of course, they are not allowed to violate their own sphere of influence. Otherwise, they will be attacked by groups.

It's like Tangmen.

At that time, the Tang clan targeted at young children, which was hated by the whole martial arts circle. Of course, the military also regarded them as a thorn in the eye. Because of this, the Tang clan was hidden.

Although to some extent, the Tang clan is a member of the circle, but it does not belong to the power in the circle. The most important reason is that the Tang clan is too powerful to be underestimated.

"Chen Feng, you are..." Yang Hao asked again worried.

He is afraid that Chen Feng and Tangmen have any grudges. In this way, it is definitely a thorny matter.

"One of my friends is from Tangmen. She may have an accident. I'm going to save her." Chen Feng's long story short, a word has been taken, but the amount of information contained is too large.

Yang Hao's face changed greatly. He couldn't help exclaiming, "do you mean your friend is from Tangmen? What happened to her? In Yanjing, the Tang clan has a huge influence. Gods hate ghosts and hate ghosts. Unless they are Xiuzhen families, they will not provoke them... "

Chen Feng took a deep breath and said, "no, my friend's mission failed. I suspect that I will be punished, so I will go to save her."

"What are you talking about?"

But who knows, Yang Hao's face became more surprised, and seemed to have a look of gaping.

Because in his opinion, the people of Tangmen have little contact with the outside world, just because they are too proud.

The Tang clan is different from ordinary forces.

Why do they catch young children for their own training?

That's because they want to find the talent of Yibin and cultivate the talent of Tangmen!

Almost all of these people are powerful and conceited. How can they have friends?

Most importantly, Yang Hao knows that people in the Tang clan will be punished if they fail to perform their tasks! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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