Hualitun bar street is one of the most prosperous entertainment streets in Yanjing.

Here the lights are bright and the voices are disordered. You can see many night clubs, and there are many beautiful men and women with exquisite makeup.

It is also the place where the rich second generation and the foreigners living here gather. It can be said that it is the place where the night music is played.

Because there are often foreigners here, it is also the most powerful and foreign place in Yanjing.

Huangting square is the largest entertainment place of KTV, bar and catering in Yanjing.

On the first floor, the music is noisy, the crowd is crowded, and the aroma and wine are mixed together, forming a unique taste that attracts the opposite sex.

The second floor is the card seat, here to quiet more two floors, and here is also need to reserve, can come up is a certain amount of money and status.

"Zhuo Shao, how can I see that you seldom come out for activities in recent months? Don't you like girls like that? It's said that there are top models from Ulan country coming here tonight. Each of them is one in a hundred, with long legs and thin waist, and it's said that there are still underage models A voice full of obscene said with a smile.

In the middle of the seat, sat a slender, handsome young man in a handmade brand-name suit.

Next to him, there are two tall foreign enchanting women.

The two women were dressed in low cut and tight skirts. They were gorgeous and moving. Their deep set eyes blinked with charming light, as if they could hook away the spirits of human beings.

They leaned lazily on Zhuo Ruichen's shoulder, like paint like glue, like lying down like entanglement, which was extremely tempting. The three youths next to them were all ready to move.

But they did not dare to be bold in front of the young people, because they knew that among the prince of Yanjing, this young man occupied an upper position.

The young man looked at his legs, showed his precious leather shoes, held a red wine cup in one hand, and pondered thoughtfully with the bright red wine, but his attention was not on the two foreign beauties at all.

This person, not who, is the prince of Yuanfeng international auction group, Zhuo Ruichen.

Zhuo Ruichen's thoughts seem to stay in the scene of the Yang family's martial arts competition last year.

At the thought of the man who shocked him twice, Zhuo Ruichen felt extremely upset. He seemed to feel that he was standing on the wrong side.

At that time, at the auction, the man even knew Qin Yinglong and Tang Zhiyou. Both of them were famous in Yanjing.

After that, he was invited by Qian Yurong to watch the battle. Finally, he was lucky to see the man's incredible martial arts. To be honest, he was really shocked.

How can such a man with high martial arts skills and so wide contacts be a nobody?

And even Qian Yurong didn't give face. Even Qian Zhongyue looked at the man with an appreciative attitude. Isn't that a kind of background and strength?

Zhuo Ruichen is destined to inherit the family auction business, and he is a young talent. He has been in charge of the family business since he was young, and he has started to cooperate with many political figures and big men.

He knew that he was born to be extraordinary, and had the family's industrial pillar, and was destined to go to the peak of his life.

However, he was not satisfied with his current contacts and resources. He was close to Qian Yurong only because he looked at Qian's military forces in Yanjing, so that he could expand his contacts.

But he seems to be wrong.

Qian Yurong couldn't be put into important position. He was focused on the so-called martial arts strength, and because of the great power of the Qian family, he did not put himself in the eye.

Zhuo Ruichen has been courting Qian Yurong many times, but Qian Yurong is not indifferent to himself, and he has no intention to help himself.

Later, Qian Yurong was said to have gone to the army and disappeared. Zhuo Ruichen was very upset. He realized that he had made a mistake.

He is young, but ambitious. He wanted to make the family's international auction business bigger. He wanted to use the power of Qian's family, but now it seems to be in vain.

But he thought of one person, that person.

"If I didn't stand by Qian Yurong at the beginning and didn't look ugly on Yuanfeng international, would I have a chance to make friends with him now?" Zhuo Ruichen shakes his head slightly in his heart.

A choice in life is likely to change the trajectory of his life. He seems to realize that he has missed making friends with a hidden strong background.

Just then, on the corridor, came two men who were so drunk that they were 30 years old and dressed like ruffians in society. If you look closely, they seem to have tattoos under their necks.

Both of them were holding a beautiful woman with heavy make-up, and seemed to be drunk and ready to open a room.

Passing by here, a person suddenly aims at Zhuo Ruichen's two enchanting beauties with a bright eye.

They read a lot of women, a look to know that these two are top foreign goods ah! Compared with the fallen flowers and willows in their arms, they can hardly understand how many levels."Why? What a beautiful girl, brother. How about these two women giving up to our brothers? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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