That night, Chen Feng is Bai Muhan, and Zhong Qiang is to go to the villa on the top of the mountain.

When Zhu Ning saw Chen Feng holding a woman with a purple skin and a man whose arm and joints were cut off, his face was suddenly repeated.

Especially when he saw Zhong Qiang, his face immediately became dignified. From Zhong Qiang's body, he felt a very dangerous and gloomy breath.

He seemed to know something and didn't ask much.

"I'll heal her first, and you'll bandage her." Chen Feng and Zhu Ning said, is into the room.

Although Zhong Qiang didn't pass out, he was also a martial arts practitioner and forced to close the acupoints of the wound. However, as time went on, the blood clot became black. If he did not receive timely treatment, he would be in danger of death.

"Follow me." Zhu Ning takes a look at Zhong Qiang and leads the way ahead.

Zhu Ning does not need to ask all know, this Zhong Qiang, for Chen Feng's role is certainly not general.

Take a look at Zhong Qiang to see the kind of fear in Chen Feng's eyes, he will understand that this person must have provoked Chen Feng.

Zhu Ning for Zhong Qiang bandage, and Chen Feng, is the white Muhan embrace into the room.

To because Bai Muhan's life is more worrying, life is more dangerous.

"The poison of Tangmen is of course extraordinary."

Looking at the whole body because of poisoning and purple white Mu Han, Chen Feng's face is suddenly covered with frost.

Toxicologists have always been regarded as the reverse group of doctors.

Doctors save people, but poison masters do harm.

In the rubbings of the thousand year old medical sage, Chen Feng learned that, in general, although the poison master and the doctor are a professional group with the same principle, it is much more difficult for the poison master to practice than the doctor.


The reason is very simple, even if several drugs are mixed together, it can produce more or less toxicity.

Look at all ages, how many doctors regard the collocation of drugs as one of their lifelong medical skills?

Doctors save people by medication, other massage, or acupuncture and so on, are some auxiliary techniques.

How many famous doctors have devoted their whole life to the research of drug collocation?

For example, Shen Nong's taste of herbs and familiarity with medicinal properties with their own lives is the ultimate embodiment of their familiarity with medicinal properties.

However, if you look at the poison masters, if they want, they can mix hundreds of more powerful poisons. They are successful.

Therefore, poison master is a group that is easier to improve than doctors.

And Chen Feng also learned that those poison masters with great accomplishments refine their bodies into the legendary "body of ten thousand poisons".

It's full of poison. It's terrible.

At the thought of this, Chen Feng's eyes became colder and colder.

He thought that the power of Tangmen lies in their level of concealed weapons, but now he thinks that the power of Tangmen is also in the same vein of toxicology.

The combination of concealed weapons and poisons is a perfect match, which can make the damage increase exponentially.

"Tangmen Chen Feng took a deep breath and glanced at her eyes.

The position of Tang clan in Chen Feng's mind fell a few points again.

On the contrary, he was more worried about Lu Xiaoyun's situation.

But now the urgent task is to detoxify the poison in Bai Mu Han's body, otherwise the woman will die.

However, looking at Bai Muhan's bare breast, Chen Feng has some inexplicable heart , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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