Time passed by, until half an hour later, the original purple skin of Bai Mu Han turned into a light purple, and then turned into white again. Finally, it turned into a kind of snow-white skin.

Chen Feng eyes a Lin, the hand is pulled out, a strange scene appeared, Chen Feng palm above, unexpectedly appeared a black as if liquid things.

This is the toxin extracted from Bai Muhan's body.

"If this toxin is not handled properly, only one drop will kill hundreds of people!" Chen Feng's eyes were dignified.

Now in science, there are many toxins, very terrible heavy metal elements.

Even a drop of these toxins is enough to kill people. What's more, Chen Feng even said that a drop of this poison in his hand can kill hundreds of people. What a terrible thing is this?

Chen Feng carefully put the toxin in a bottle.

The best way to kill the poison is to burn it.

"Ghost Valley Taoist method, supernatural doctor attached to the body, burning ten thousand corpses! Broken

Chen Feng's idea was to squeeze a hand of Fu Zhuan from the Qiankun cloth bag, read words in his mouth, and then pointed to the bottle, which was a big drink.


The whole bottle suddenly burned and gave out a kind of "hissing" sound. Then the whole bottle and the toxin in it were turned into a black smoke, which disappeared.

This is the ghost Valley Daoism rarely used by Chen Feng. It is used to burn the thousand year old corpse.

Because the corpse that has been for thousands of years contains a lot of corpse poison, and the ghost Valley Taoist method is also a magic power to expel evil spirits. Therefore, it is a waste of talent to burn this group of venom with this Taoist method.

Because the spirit power and the ghost Valley Taoist method were activated just now, the spiritual power in Chen Feng's body was consumed half at once.

"I wipe! My accomplishments are still too low! " Chen Feng had no choice but to smile bitterly.

In fact, this is not to blame Chen Feng's low cultivation.

The Daoism he used, whether it was the most orthodox way taught by the supreme emperor Laojun, or the 73 changes of Erlang God, or the ghost Valley Taoist method, all required a lot of spiritual power.

For example, when Chen Feng was still building the fourth realm of the foundation, he asked Erlang God to borrow 73 changes. After using his invisibility, he was suddenly emptied of his spiritual power. When he felt dizzy and exhausted, he felt as if he could not make up for it immediately after eating ten complete tonic pills.

But now, he thought that he could launch more Taoist methods by virtue of the cultivation realm of Taoists, but he still could not support him for a long time.

"It seems that a Taoist is really a beginner." Chen Feng sighed with emotion.

How did he know that the practitioners of Tao just came from the four realms of building foundation.

But Chen Feng chose to enter the road at that time, rather than into the martial arts.

If he chooses to enter the martial arts, then he is not a so-called Taoist, he is a warrior in the realm of nature.

"It seems that after all these things are over, my spirit gathering array must catch up with the schedule, break through the later stage of the gas refining state as soon as possible, and reach the next level."

Only when he reaches the next level can Chen Feng use more and stronger Taoist methods.

You know, with Chen Feng's current practice, it is impossible for him to continue to practice more terrifying moves.

Besides, his seventy-three changes were almost abandoned. That was the ability of Erlang God to look after his family. It was the cultivation of Taoism that was enough to cure the great sage of Qi Tian at the beginning!

How can Chen Feng not be moved?

It's just that there is no way. The spiritual power required by all these Taoist methods is too terrible.

Chen Feng shakes his head. If you want to be quick, you can't reach it. Everything can only come naturally.

Suddenly, he buttoned his white eyelashes and put them on.

Chen Feng's heart suddenly jumps, secretly calls not good!

White Mu Han slightly opened beautiful eyes, but under a look, the flower looks pale.

"You Stinking rascal

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