They, of course, refer to Chen Feng and Tang Xiaoxuan.

All three knew that Luo Jinpeng and his party were unable to walk because of the heavy rain. They must also be in the ancestral hall. It seems that they need to sit down and negotiate.

In other words, Tang Xiaoxuan and Yang Ming know that this time they are likely to be forced to compromise. Otherwise, they do not know what will happen to Jiang Le.

On the way, Chen Feng walked at the end, and Hu Daxiong also followed.

"I feel that there is a Taoist priest in the ancestral hall of the village. I'm afraid..." Hu Daxiong is worried about several ways.

Daoism is just Fengshui master, but Fengshui master and Maoshan Taoist priest are of the same origin.

"I'll cover up your breath later. Just follow me." Chen Feng said.

Several people came to the ancestral hall. There were several people from the village committee and the village head Jiang Le.

Of course, there is Luo Jinpeng and his team.

Jiang Le gives Ding Dong a cold look. The latter looks down with shame and seems to be saying that he will come back to clean you up later!

"Well, now that we are all together, we can talk about business." Jiang Le said.

"Wait a minute."

"Master Bai, what's the matter?" Luo Jinpeng asked.

"There's a lot of anger in this room. I feel a ghost in it!"


Jiang Le and other people's faces suddenly changed. The legend of the fierce ghost exists in every village, but how can it be in the ancestral hall?

Hu Daxiong's face changed, but Chen Fengchao tried to look at him, meaning that there was no need to be afraid.

Just now Chen Feng has used Maoshan Taoism to hide Hu Daxiong's breath.

The so-called concealment is actually to disperse Hu Daxiong's breath into the ancestral hall and confuse Bai Fang.

The white side took out the compass. Who knows that the pointer goes around, sometimes in this direction, sometimes in that direction.

"There is not only one of them, but also many! It seems that these evil spirits have come together White square facial expression dignified says.

It makes the people inside more scared.

Chen Feng almost laughed.

Master Bai has some abilities, but unfortunately, his Taoism is not high!

Fart's companion comes, that fierce ghost is just beside him.

Hu Daxiong is also relieved.

"Master, kill these fierce ghosts Jiang Le said anxiously.

You know, if there is a ghost here, then the deal with Luo Jinpeng will certainly be affected.

A lot of things came out of the bag of Bai Fang's long one shoulder cloth shirt, such as copper coins, swords, gossip mirrors, and some jars containing blood.

The light in the ancestral hall is dark. At this time, everyone feels gloomy and terrifying.

Chen Feng takes Tang Xiaoxuan to the corner.

"The trickster." Chen Feng laughs.

Yang Ming's face turned white with fear and said, "maybe it's true."

"Here's one!"

Bai Fang called out, went to a wall, and then drank a mouthful of blood, took out a lighter to ignite, and then sprayed a handful.

The fire just blew out like fireworks.

There was a change in the audience.

This is a very strange scene, but no one dares to doubt Bai Fang.

Where there is any fierce ghost, it is just some breath of fierce ghost.

"Master, how about..." Luo Jinpeng asked.

"No, this fierce ghost's magic power is so powerful that he is not afraid of my samadhi fire. I have to use more powerful to kill him!"

Chen Feng almost laughs, these are three true fire? He was sure that this guy was a prodigy who knew a little about feng shui. As for Maoshan Taoist, he only knew the skin.

No, not even fur.

"What a terrible ghost. It seems that it has been at least some years. This fierce ghost is a king. Only after he is cleaned up, other imps will have no escape and disappear automatically. Please step back and see how I deal with him!"

He took out a piece of Rune with a ghost symbol written in red cinnabar. Then he burned it and let it go in the air. Then he took out a copper coin sword and stabbed it in the past.

Fu Zhang was stabbed by him, and his arm trembled, and he said, "heaven and earth, ghosts and gods, Maoshan Taoist priest, hurry like a law, kill me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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