Yanjing because of Chen Feng's series of events and chaos, but the people involved, it seems as if nothing happened, just returned to the mid mountain villa.

Chen Feng is not arrogant. He killed Qingming tiger, Jin GuoZhe and Brooke. Of course, he knows that these guys will soon gather in Yanjing to find his whereabouts.

Not because of fear, but because he didn't want to involve his friends.

To be sure, he knows that he has not many friends in Yanjing, just like the song Xuanze family. There is no need to worry about it.

Who dares to move the Song family, which is related to the government?

Another example is Yang Hao's family. The underworld can definitely find out that he has something to do with the Yang family. After all, he defeated Jin Zhiyuan in the Yang family.

But Chen Feng is still not afraid.

The underworld, the sorcerer guild, no matter how bold, can you still move the martial arts family of Yanjing openly?

Although the strength of the Yang family is not strong, it has been regarded as the martial arts family in the circle!

All along, the martial arts circles, especially the traditional Wudao families, did not have much affection for the Southern Dynasties.

Whether it is history or some modern reasons, they have no good feelings for this country.

Even in the martial arts circles of China, the two countries in Northeast Asia were excluded. One was the Southern Dynasty, and the other was naturally the Oriental state.

This is especially true in areas like the north and northeast.

Therefore, if the people of the underworld really want to move Yanjing's Wudao family, then they will never sit idly by.

Another, Jin GuoZhe, the master of fighting skills in the underworld, was killed. How could the army not pay attention to it?

At that time, the entry-exit inspection is bound to be more strict, especially the inspection in Yanjing will be upgraded to a very high level of alert.

The underworld really wants to send someone to look for people and kill people. It can only be stowaway.

As for the guild of magicians, the British guild of magicians as far away as Europe is concerned.

If European superpowers want to enter China, they will be more closely monitored.

Think about Oakley's entry into Shenchuan. The southern military has sent personnel to closely monitor it. The Lin family's natural moat bay villa has long been closely watched by the army and even the military.

After all, a Dark Alliance like Oakley is dangerous.

If Oakley hadn't been in the Lin family all the time, I'm afraid the military would have done something.

Another example is Chen Feng's other friends, shangguanling he is not afraid of, this daughter's life experience even he does not know, and still very strong. As for Yin Jiazhi and Su Rou, who are related to him in the school, they are just ordinary students. They have little to do with him and will not be involved.

As for Zhu Ning and Qin Yinglong, there is no need to be afraid. They are both in the villa and protected by two door gods.

At this time, Chen Feng is in the villa.

Outside the villa in the middle of the mountain, there was a helicopter, when three middle-aged people came down.

The three men are of extraordinary momentum. They have a temperament of not being angry but powerful. The black bodyguards on the way are the top black mercenaries in foreign countries.

Every step of the way, the three people seem to be commanding and commanding people all the year round.

Yes, they are the three big men in the four provinces of the East China Sea, Su Sheng, fan Zhihong and Gao Zhaojie.

Chen Feng had been waiting in the hall of the villa.

Zhu Ning and Qin Yinglong were also present.

When the three big men came in, they immediately asked the bodyguards to wait at the door. All the servants of the villa had already let them go back in the daytime, because this time, it was very important for the three to come to find Chen Feng.

Chen Feng sat on the villa sofa, sipped a sip of tea, and said, "have they started?"

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