Chen Feng was very curious about the so-called Yin Yang teacher for the first time.

Although he was a monk, few people came into contact with it. However, he always felt that the so-called yin-yang master should have something to do with it.

Because Susheng and they said, those people can draw symbols in the void, and then they can recite words and so on.

Moreover, the history of Toyo is closely related to China, which makes Chen Feng have such an idea.

Chen Feng is very strange to these so-called Yin and Yang masters, let alone Su Sheng.

However, Chen Feng felt that when Baidi Shangye said the three words of Yin Yang master, he was a little surprised, and then he had that dignified posture.

"Shangye, is this Yin and Yang master similar to those who practice the truth in China?" Chen Feng asked.

"Chen Feng, do you know?"

Sure enough.

Then Kuroda explained.

It turns out that the yin-yang teacher in his mouth really originated from ancient China.

The so-called yin-yang masters are the special people who master their yin-yang doctrine in the Oriental School. In modern words, they are the super powers.

The so-called yin-yang Dao, in fact, is still originated from ancient China, which is a mixture of natural philosophy and five elements theory.

Then it was introduced into the Oriental Kingdom, and then became a part of the "Shinto" of the Oriental kingdom.

And this yin-yang master is a group of wizards who know how to observe stars and constellations, understand human images, know disasters, and even draw charms and chant charms.

Hearing this, Fan Zhiyi, a big man from Northeast China, clapped his thigh and cried, "I understand. That's what we call the magic wand."

Chen Feng takes a look at fan Zhihong. Su Sheng and Gao Zhaojie both frown.

Fan Zhihong said with a smile, "I don't mean that. It sounds strange."

If it was before, Su Sheng and his colleagues would really think that the people who look at faces and divination on the street are all prodigies.

But since knowing Chen Feng, after seeing Chen Feng's great force, will they still think so?

The answer is No.

They know what power is and what is the supernatural power of witchcraft and Taoism.

On the other end of the phone, Baidi Ueno said: "Yin Yang masters have more powerful abilities, especially for the driving of spirits and ghosts. Therefore, the ancient sacrifice or divination activities of our Oriental kingdom must have the existence of yin and Yang masters. Their status is second only to "Daiming."

Chen Feng listened and nodded in secret.

"In this case, the yin-yang teacher you mentioned is probably the result of Taoism. It's more like the ghost valley of China. " Chen Feng made a judgment.

It can divination, sacrifice, and even move the eight trigrams of yin and Yang, seek good fortune and avoid evil, geomantic array, and the same ghost's technique. What is the ghost Valley Taoism?

On specialization, Guiguzi is the originator of this road, and Chen Feng is his direct descendant!

Hearing this, Chen Feng will not be too interested in this Yin and Yang master.

Of course, this does not mean that Chen Feng is not interested in Yin and Yang masters.

He was more interested in the status of this Yin Yang master in the Oriental kingdom.

After all, Yin Yang division is not famous for its military force, because there are already three Ninja families in Toyo.

What about the existence of these Yin and Yang masters? What is the status?

Then, Yoshino Kuroda gave the answer.

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