Hundred field wild pondered for a while, and finally said the reason.

"In recent days, our spies have found that there are many yin-yang masters. Especially with the first to see the family, go very close, perhaps the rumor is true, they really have internal contradictions

Is it a new family?

Chen Feng's brow is big wrinkly, he does not have any good impression to this first time family.

In particular, I feel uneasy when I think of the face and manner of Langgu when I see Qi Yue for the first time.

"Yin Yang division is proud of its status. They disdain war as a camp and will not be associated with ordinary people. Since ancient times, they have been worshipped. Over the years, I heard that they had a bad life. Our people also found the old site where the Yin Yang division had moved many times. " Baidi Ueno said.

This also let Chen Feng think of another thing, this matter is related to the cultivation of truth, also related to their own.

Yes, it is the aura of heaven and earth.

Since Yin and Yang masters come from the same vein of Guigu Dao, they are also, strictly speaking, a branch of practitioners.

In this case, if Yin and Yang masters want to strengthen themselves, or maintain them, they must absorb the aura of heaven and earth, so that their spirits can be filled all the time. In this way, Shouyuan, strength and will can be inherited.

But take China as an example, except for the mountains and rivers in China, there is almost no so-called aura in other urban areas.

That is to say, unless it is the Xiuzhen sect or the ancient Xiuzhen family, it is basically forbearance.

And when forbearance, you should choose a place with rich aura of heaven and earth, and have a formation to prevent outsiders from interfering.

Just like Chen Feng, if you want to practice in Yanjing, you need enough aura of heaven and earth.

But think about it, Yanjing is an international metropolis, almost all of which are high-rise buildings. How can there be such things as heaven and earth?

If it was not for his early down a mountain water spirit array, Chen Feng would not have broken through the air sea so quickly.

And if he wasn't the next five Yin Di Sha array, he would never have stayed in Yanjing.

His cultivation will also stagnate, which is certainly not what Chen Feng wanted. Maybe at that time, he would choose a place out of the mountains to meditate.

similarly, the existence of yin and Yang also needs to absorb the essence of heaven and earth to strengthen itself.

And Toyo itself is an island country, surrounded by water on all sides. How can it be compared with the vast land of China?

In this way, the decline of yin and Yang masters is a matter of certainty?

After all, not all Yin and Yang masters can have the next huge array like the orthodox ghost Valley Road, or the supernatural Xiuzhen sect or family.

The multiple relocations mentioned by yekou in Baidi are, to a large extent, a suitable place for cultivation.

One is to avoid the noise, and the other is to choose a suitable place for rest. In the process of relocation, there will certainly be losses.

The so-called loss is the decline of yin and Yang masters.

"What is the contradiction you just said?" Chen Feng asked again.

Only when we know the internal contradictions of these guys can we know why they want to be pirates, and it is not for the purpose of killing people.

If we want to solve the problem from the root, we must ask clearly.

In fact, the most important thing is that Chen Feng seems to be interested in these Yin and Yang masters who are also capable of stealing. Otherwise, how could Chen Feng ask so many questions about killing people and stealing goods? He had already set out and killed all directions.

However, the answer of a hundred on the field, but let Chen Feng some surprise. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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