Several people are puzzled, why say not necessary?

That's Feng Wenxuan's competitor! And it seems that the status is not low.

Feng Wenxuan lost a mouthful of Lafite in 1982 and said, "I know Su Rou's character best. She is simple in heart and can't express her feelings, so she won't bring people here for no reason. Since she brings them, they are either ordinary people, friends or people they like. "

He Xing looks strange, isn't that right?

Su Rou's reaction just now, this is the person I like!

But how come to your mouth, but do not care?

Feng Wenxuan again said with a smile: "although he is all famous brands, I found that the suit just now does not fit perfectly. This shows that it is not custom-made, but is bought by someone temporarily."

A young man named Wei Ran brightened his eyes and said, "I seem to understand what Feng Shao is talking about. If he is really a person of status, then the suit must be customized, that is to say, he was invited in a hurry, and his family background may not be very good, at least not comparable with Feng Shao. "

He Xing frowned again and said, "but at most, it proves that his background may not be very big, but it doesn't mean that he is not su Rou's boyfriend."

Feng Wenxuan took his glass, shook it, and with a smile, he said, "haven't you found it? As soon as he came up, he didn't care about Su rou. He just sat by himself and looked at the scenery outside. To be sure, he is not familiar with us, but if he is a real boyfriend, how can he not accompany us? And look at the present. "

When Feng Wenxuan said so, they forgot the past.

Chen Feng is still her own person, Su Rou naturally and her friends and sisters get together to chat and make a deal.

But as bystanders, he Xing with sharp eyes seems to have found something wrong.

He Xing unexpectedly found that Su Rou, intentionally or unintentionally, could not help but glance at the direction of the bed.

"Su Rou's eyes..." He Xing said.

Feng Wenxuan did not speak, but he did not speak.

This time, he Xing several people look at each other, in the heart have understood what.

I see. It turns out that the flow of water is merciless and the falling flowers are intentional!

"But Feng Shao, aren't you afraid? Su Rou likes that person no matter how much she says, she is not afraid of that person really... " He Xing said.

"Ha ha, why should I be afraid?"

Feng Wenxuan put down his glass and couldn't help but forget to look in the direction of Su rou. This time, in his eyes, it was as if a hunter saw a prey. He was so free and confident that he was so huge.

"As long as Su Rou is her own, I will move her sooner or later. And you think I'll do nothing when I go to Citigroup? If Su Rou really has a boyfriend, I will be the first to know. "

This is Feng Wenxuan's confidence.

Wei Ran also patted his thigh and said, "that's for sure, and since the boy doesn't have any identity background, how about even if he gets Su Rou's person and heart? Feng Shao has at least one hundred ways to get it back. "

"Yes! Yes, what kind of person is Feng Shao, just a member of an ordinary family, can he be compared with Feng Shao? "

When they flatter, they also admire Feng Wenxuan's vision and observe the subtle nature of mind.

On the other side.

Chen Feng looked at the seaside scenery, but could not help shaking his head in his heart.

"This is ordinary people! I've spent my whole life on these senseless suspicions. "

Chen Feng doesn't despise Feng Wenxuan. In fact, he always pays attention to their conversation. Even if there is a distance, he still hears them clearly.

Even if not for himself, he should also think for Su Rou's sister.

Of course, it's not so much a sister as a sister. Su Rou is two or three years older than Chen Feng.

But Chen Feng in the heart early, has long surpassed his peers.

But then, the conversation between Feng Wenxuan and Chen Feng surprised Chen Feng.

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