Hearing this, Chen Feng's mind was slightly touched. On the surface, although he is still silent, but in his heart, has begun to pay attention to it.

"It seems that Tiansheng group also has many competitors."

In fact, it is not difficult to guess.

Now doing foreign trade business, earn is the money of foreigners, the stronger the strength, then can earn more money.

Who doesn't want to make more money these days?

If you want to make more money, one way is to get out of the door.

What's more, Jiangnan province is close to the East China Sea. Such geographical conditions should have been made good use of.

After all, domestic business is limited, but to do international business, you can cooperate with many countries and large company groups.

Think about it. How many of the world's top 500 are Chinese and how many are foreign?

Only one third of them are from China, and the rest are from abroad.

From this point of view, it is natural to make more money by doing business abroad.

As for the powerful Nanshan Province, as well as the large groups in various provinces, such as Yanjing, Shangpu, and other super large groups in China, if the Feng Wenxuan family wants to compete with these groups, it is not so simple.

Now there is a more shortcut to go, that is, we can use the customer resources of Tiansheng group to open up this way of making money.

So, don't say that in Jiangnan Province, even Su Sheng, who has connections in Yanjing, I don't know how many people are willing to flatter him.

Back to Feng Wenxuan and their conversation.

"Feng Shao, so what plans do you have He Xing's eyes suddenly lit up and asked.

"If it is, then I hope Feng Shao will take care of it."

"Yes! Now that we are junior, we will soon be able to practice. If Feng Shao can help us, we will be willing to work as cattle and horses. "

Several students were excited.

The group of Feng Wenxuan's family is so large that even if he shakes the chicken feather duster, it is a kind of gift for the subordinate small and medium-sized companies!

Feng Wenxuan seems to enjoy the feeling of being surrounded and worshipped by the stars.

But Wei Ran pondered for a moment and asked, "Feng Shao, is this really good? Tiansheng group... "

Said, he looked at the distance of Su Rou in the past, people smell speech, seems to understand the meaning of Wei Ran.

Tiansheng group is led by Su Sheng, and Su Rou is Su Sheng's daughter. If Feng Wenxuan's family wants to join Tiansheng group, Susheng will not be happy.

Since not happy, then Feng Wenxuan pursue Su Rou, the opportunity is not even smaller?

Feng Wenxuan laughed but did not speak. People seemed to be thinking about something. He Xing, who had the best relationship with Feng Wenxuan, brightened his eyes and said, "yes! How could we not have thought of it? If Tiansheng group falls into a financial crisis, when Feng Shao's family becomes a shareholder, Su Sheng will have to compromise? At that time, Feng Shao will have another forced marriage

Looking at the expression of he Xing's obscene smile, other people are also suddenly aware of it.

"High! Feng Shao, it's amazing! "

"Feng Shao is still clever! When the time comes, isn't Su Rou going to have lunch with Feng Shao? "

Feng Wenxuan is still, but a pair of eyes, full of a proud attitude in it.

For him, Su Rou is just an accessory in the competition of his family group.

And this accessory, Feng Wenxuan long thought it was his own.

"By the way, Feng Shao, what method do you use to go to tianpansheng group?"

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