Feng fengrou and Chen fengrou were escorted to the underground parking lot.

Chen Feng didn't communicate with anyone tonight, but Su Rou was very excited to meet some of her high school classmates.

However, Su Rou rejected Feng Wenxuan's wishes.

Su Rou is a very simple girl. If she has someone else in her heart, she can't have a place for others.

But Feng Wenxuan had a great bearing, and he didn't care about it. He escorted him all the way.

However, Feng Wenxuan also knew that Su Rou would not send it back to her. Su Rou also took the lead in saying, "Feng Wenxuan, just send it here. We're going."

She was polite enough to leave with Chen Feng.

He Xing and others also drove away by themselves. On the contrary, Feng Wenxuan was alone in the parking lot, looking at Su Rou's figure. His eyes were always calm, but still could not conceal his strong desire for control.

How to say, if it was before, Su Rou would not be so indifferent to himself. It is true that he has confidence in himself, but the relationship between him and Su Rou is affected by an outsider.

"Young master."

After a while, a figure came out of the dark and called respectfully beside Feng Wenxuan.

But Feng Wenxuan is always a generation of Juncai, take back the eyes, nodded: "let's go."

But when he was ready to go, the man in the suit was staring at the figure in the distance.

"What's the matter?"

Feng Wenxuan was surprised this time.

The man beside him, I heard that his father spent a lot of money, please come back to protect him.

After all, Feng Wenxuan must need a housekeeper and a bodyguard to live abroad, which is even more a single biography of the eight generations of the Feng family.

Moreover, Feng Wenxuan's father also said that although he could not enter the earth and heaven, he would be able to block bullets even if 100 special forces were not his opponents.

At first, he didn't want to believe it, but there was no gun control in places like Citigroup, especially if he accidentally entered the jurisdiction of black people, which was even more dangerous.

In addition, Citigroup has had too many school shooting incidents this year. It happens that Feng Wenxuan has really encountered it.

At that time, a lunatic entered the campus and shot at random. It is said that he also hit more than a dozen people. At that time, Feng Wenxuan was just after class when the man next to him suddenly rushed out and even served as three bullets for himself!

The bullet still hit the person's skin, only burnt the clothes, the rest is OK!

At that time, Feng Wenxuan was absolutely shocked. According to ordinary people's understanding, this is simply impossible, OK?

Even the legendary people in the Wulin can't block bullets if they have gold bell covers and iron cloth shirts!

In ancient times, the so-called "knife and bullet" is a cold weapon. What is a bullet? Hot weapons!

In terms of science, the impact of that kind of energy can't be compared with a knife and a gun.

After that, Feng Wenxuan began to respect the man and believed that there was something strange about time.

And since then, this man has solved the crisis for himself many times.

"That man..."

The man in suit pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "it should be my illusion. How can he reach that level at his age? "

Feng Wenxuan was surprised for a while, but did not think much about it. He asked, "by the way, how was that done?"

"Everything is in accordance with the young master's orders. There will be no accident. They will leave the ship this time just like last year."


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