Chen Feng's big Zhenwu formula meteor hammer moon attack power how amazing, he asked himself, if he under the full strength, the freighter will also have to be hit a big hole.

Just now, although there was water resistance, most of the power was dispersed, but we can still see that Chen Feng's punch directly shook a hundred meters of ripples. What a terrible force.

Although Su Sheng and Chen Feng are a little far away, they also see the strong water spray on the sea.

Chen Feng's punch not only blocked the way of those people under the water, especially the two leaders, but also bore the brunt. On the spot, they were shaken back, spit blood and floated up.

Because the ripple itself is the vibration of energy, which is constantly spreading, and gradually, the people behind are also forced to stop moving, and several people on the bottom of the sea are all overturned.

They seem to have a strong energy stirring the sea, so that they lose control of the body, lost direction.

Finally, four or five Daoists emerged from the sea, among which the two most "vanguard troops" were most seriously injured and covered with blood.

"So it is."

Chen Feng's eyes narrowed. They were ordinary people, but they dressed like ancient warlocks. But because of the distance and the reflection of the setting sun, Chen Feng couldn't see clearly. But the only thing that can be sure is that they are not ordinary people.

Those who can hide under the sea for such a long time, but have not been discovered by Chen Feng, know that they were discovered only when they are close to two or three hundred meters. The ability of these people to hold their breath is absolutely second to none.

Su Sheng and his wife stood beside Chen Feng and looked at the bottom of the sea. Their faces suddenly changed.

"These are the Pirates of Yin Yang division?" Gao Zhaojie exclaimed.

Nakajima's heart moved, there are three words to stimulate her, yin and Yang division?

She also immediately ran to the side of Chen Feng, this look, the face is more startled.

"Are these Yin and Yang masters?"

Su Sheng didn't pay attention to Nakajima's words. After all, their attention was on those people on the sea, but it was Chen Feng who moved in his heart, looked at Nakajima's pomelo, and then withdrew his eyes.

Didn't expect that Narita Nakajima also knew Yin and Yang masters?

After a while, the rest of the people are all exposed to sleep, their own has been in a coma, injured companions are pulled in their own side.

A 30-year-old man at the bottom immediately stared at the young figure above. His eyes were full of shock.

"How could..."

At this time, that was the leader of the team. They planned to sneak into the inner part of the freighter as usual, and then quietly control the control room of the whole freighter. Then they waited for the arrival of the brigade before they began to receive the goods.

Who would have thought that before they got on the ship, they would have been the first to be found their own trace!

The sober Yin and Yang masters were shocked. They also saw that the young man on the deck was the culprit!

"Shisong! What to do? " One of them, holding a comatose partner, asked in Japanese.

Shi song was the leader just now. His eyes were a little angry. He gritted his teeth and said, "there are people like this before we arrived in China. It seems that there is something wrong with our intelligence! Go back first


A group of people, on the spot is a quick tour of this sea area, their swimming speed is almost comparable to the fish in Shanghai, so that Su Sheng and they are stunned.

Chen Feng light way: "well, we go back first, no accident, they will come again."

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