Most of the power of the spirit tool depends on the people who use it. With the strength that Chen Feng can kill now, how can a stone pine escape his trap?

Nakajima takes a deep breath and is still translated.

Shi song seems very angry and doesn't believe it's true. He struggles hard and the range is bigger and bigger.

But the trapped animal rattan, just like the steel bar, trapped him and made him unable to get rid of it.

Originally, fan Zhihong and Gao Zhaojie were still worried about Shi Song's resistance. Now there is no need to worry about it. They immediately relaxed.

"Hum! Lizzie, translate it to this guy. " Fan Zhihong spat ferociously.

Fan Zhihong's group is the largest group among the four provinces and cities in the East China Sea. Therefore, under the situation of joint ship departure, regardless of the route and the ship with the largest tonnage, more containers can be transported at one time.

It can be said that fan Zhihong's group also suffered the most, so he is also the most angry one.

In addition to some historical reasons, he didn't like the people of Japan.

Narita Nakajima translates as usual, and Shisong is angry on the spot. With a kind of anger in her eyes, she stares at Chen Feng.

"Who the hell are you?"

After listening to Zhongdao Youli's translation, Su Sheng said coldly, "this is master Chen of Donghai, who is here to cure you!"

"Master Chen?" After hearing this, Shi Song frowns. He has never heard of master Chen.

He just stares at Chen Feng coldly, way: "I am in your hand now, you want to handle me at will can! But please let go of my people! Don't hurt them! "

Chen Feng said with a smile of interest: "they all say that you Japanese traditional warriors, ninjas are very backbone and self-esteem. I have seen the ninja. But I didn't expect that you Yin and Yang masters are the same. "

Narita Nakajima was stunned and looked at Chen Feng. He even met Ninja!? How could that be possible?

In Chen Feng's impression, since ancient times, the samurai of the Oriental Kingdom have been extremely advocating the so-called warrior spirit, that is, they would rather die than surrender, such as cutting the abdomen, which is such a situation.

Chen Feng is now interested in Shi Songkou's so-called clansmen.

After Narita Nakajima translated, Shi song was very angry and said, "don't compare us with those despicable ninjas! If it was not for their temptation, we would not have come to this point! Damn traitor!! Damn Ninja

Shi song was so excited that he shivered all over his body. Even if he was tied on the deck, he could not help roaring in a low voice. The anger and killing intention in his eyes could make people shiver.

Several people are coincidentally looking at Narita Nakajima, want to know what happened to this Shisong, causing him so excited.

Nakajima pomelo face heavy, or straight and Chen Feng they said.

When Chen Feng and they know the meaning of Shisong, several people are frowning.

"It seems that this guy hates the so-called ninjas." Fan Zhihong said.

Su Sheng nodded and looked at Shi Song, who was still not immersed in his anger, and said: "what's more, what kind of traitor and temptation he said just now? Is there any contradiction between them?"

Chen Feng was silent. He said that the Yin and Yang division and the first meeting family were very close. Is that why?

When Chen Feng wanted to ask further, he moved in his heart and looked far ahead. His eyes narrowed: "I see. This man is just a cover, the real master is behind , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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