Chen Feng didn't know what Yin and Yang techniques they used. What he only knew was that he felt a little novel, some strange, and even more surprising when he saw the cage in which he was trapped by six sides.

"In your so-called yin-yang magic, I feel a kind of Taoist cultivation atmosphere. In this way, the so-called Ninja should be a branch of our Chinese Taoism."

Even if Chen Feng is trapped by a cube of water cage, but still not in a hurry, looking at the front of the Xiren, talking and laughing.

After listening to Chen Feng's words, Xiren looks very ugly.

If we can trace back to history, Yin Yang division is indeed a branch of Chinese Taoism, and more accurately, it is a branch of Guigu Taoism.

The Taoism of China has a history of thousands of years. At that time, the Oriental kingdom was just some barbarians and became a subsidiary state of China in ancient times. Then it was spread by Taoism, Confucianism and so on, influencing them, and forming a branch combining with the local situation.

And who is Chen Feng?

No one in China, even in the whole world, can be compared with the true ancestor of Taoism.

Chen Feng's understanding of Tao is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

From a certain point of view, even Chen Feng's disciples are not qualified to be a master of yin and Yang, or a ninja divided by Yin and Yang masters.

What's his fear of the so-called cage of a quadrangle?

"Chinese, your tone is too big! Do you know, my skill of water cage can't be broken even if it's upper tolerance! Unless it's true tolerance. " Xiren looks proud.

The real forbearance in his mouth is a very powerful class in the Japanese ninja community, which is more powerful than the upper tolerance.

It is undeniable that most of the Ninja art is developed by the Yin and Yang division. However, ninja has experienced many wars and countless battles. In the process of improvement, it has been improved countless times by the ninja in the ninja world, and then many schools have been formed. Among them, the three families of Ninja, Baidi, first sight and abdomen are the first.

Although their yin-yang master's skills are powerful, they have not only lost a lot in their inheritance, but also their group size has been reduced due to their dodging and timid personality. Meanwhile, the yin-yang skill is also declining day by day. Over time, the Ninja skill naturally surpasses the yin-yang skill.

So this is what Xiren has been unwilling to accept.

But as I said before, yin and Yang masters are proud. This kind of pride is left over from hundreds of years. At least in history, ninjas are inferior to them.

"How tolerant?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

He has never heard of Zhenren, but he has heard of shangshangren, which is said to be the highest level of Shangren.

Xiren replied, "Zhenren's strength is equivalent to the Zhenwu master of your country."


Chen Feng gently nodded, as if nothing happened, Xiren saw, eyes are showing a kind of cold.

This man, too proud, proud, there is no good end.

"Do you mean that you can break your water cage only if you have the realm of master Zhenwu?" Chen Feng asked suddenly.

"You can't break it! As far as I know, there is no Zhenwu master as young as you in China Xiren stares at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng nodded slightly and said, "you are right. There is no Zhenwu master as young as I am in China. But even if I'm not a master of Zhenwu, I can still break it. "

As soon as the voice falls, a green light is flashing, green lotus sword.

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