Faced with the constant compression and shrinking cage, how can Chen Feng not feel the oppression contained in the so-called water gathering cage? How powerful is it.

In his feeling, even a large truck, crushed by the water, would become scrap iron.

"I didn't expect that the Yin and Yang technique was so strong..." Chen Feng nodded slightly, some praise in the speech.

It should be said that he really appreciated it.

From his feeling, he can deeply feel that the water cage is already the strongest blow of the master Tianjing.

Even if they meet green tiger, or Jin GuoZhe or Brooke, they will peel off their skin if they meet them.

What's more, Xiren is still so young that he looks three or four years older than himself.

It can be said that this is the youngest one Chen Feng has ever seen. He can be comparable to master Tianjing, or he is one step away from master Zhenwu.

What's more, according to Xiren's idea, this water cage can make even Zhenren, or even master Zhenwu, sleepy?

Hearing Chen Feng's emotion, Xiren's idea moved, and the water cage closed posture stopped.

"Chinese people, do you now admit that our Yin and Yang masters are powerful? I don't want to kill you. As long as you hand over the stone pine, I can let you go. " Xiren said in a deep voice.

No matter how angry he was just now, he didn't mean to kill at all.

But Chen Feng insulted Yin Yang teacher again and again, so he was so angry that he urged all his strength.

Originally thought, Chen Feng will recognize mistakes, and release people, but Xiren seems to want more.

Chen Feng light way: "I'm sorry, I just admit that your yin-yang technique is powerful, but in my eyes, it's not worth mentioning."


One of the Yin and Yang masters, who spoke Chinese, said angrily, "Xiren, this man just doesn't know the height of heaven and earth. Kill him! We can't be so insulted by him

Xiren's eyes are cold, a bite of teeth, the water cage finally urged again, still toward Chen Feng.

"Is that your best shot? Unfortunately, I can't be trapped. "

"Long song, flying rainbow!"

Chen Feng only heard a cry, and then a sword was chopped up.

This blue light was extremely bright, and it seemed a little strange in the night.

In the eyes of Xiren Jinghai, Chen Feng even cut through his water cage with one sword. Countless sea water all fell on the sea.

Even, from the beginning to the end, Chen Feng never moved the piece of wood under his feet!


All the Yin and Yang masters of all people were pale and gray, and Xiren was full of development.

It's terrible. It's just terrible.

One sword broke his most difficult skill, and two swords broke their dignity for hundreds of years.

It has to be said that Xiren is really strong, but first on the sea, many Yin and Yang techniques have not been played out.

It seems that a short two or three shots show Xiren's superb control over the power of heaven and earth and the power of nature.

But unfortunately, he or they met Chen Feng in the early stage of Qihai.

Don't say that now he, even Chen Feng of the former realm, still has the chance to meet Zhenwu master, let alone now?

After a while, a cold feeling is on Xiren's neck.

"Did you take it?"

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