For Chen Feng, Feng Wenxuan's so-called super bodyguard has little interest in him.

If you were a master of martial arts, how could he make such rubbish, bribe the personnel of three groups, buy these materials and give them to Yin and Yang masters?

If you were master Tianjing or master Zhenwu, how could you be willing to be a bodyguard for a rich young man?

No matter what kind of kindness Feng Wenxuan's family has for that super talent, Chen Feng doesn't care.

In his opinion, martial arts masters, or practitioners, condescended to do bodyguards and thugs for ordinary people. This was an insult, which Chen Feng could not accept.

If the so-called bodyguard is really strong, then it won't be very strong.

In this case, Chen Feng will not care more.

What he cared more about was Xiren, the master of yin and Yang.

Xiren frowned. He thought that the things Chen Feng asked were about the intelligence they had purchased. He didn't expect to say so much. Chen Feng had something to ask him, and it seemed that his questions were related to his own.

"Chinese, I don't know what you're talking about." Xiren said directly.

In fact, he really didn't know what Chen Feng was asking him.

Chen Feng light tunnel: "is why you Yin and Yang division will be reduced to the situation of grass into the enemy, I want to know the reason."

Speaking of this, Xiren's face sank, even the face of the well next to him was slightly heavy.

Chen Feng said that only by knowing their fundamental problems and contradictions can we know why they did so.

Because if you don't ask clearly, there will be another time.

Who knows, Xiren said in a deep voice: "this is the internal affairs of our Yin and Yang division, and it has nothing to do with you."

Chen Feng chuckled: "you robbed our cargo ship and lost billions in three years. Do you think it has anything to do with me?"

Xiren was said by Chen Feng, his face was even more ugly. Looking at Chen Feng's eyes, he said coldly, "you asked me something, and then let us go. You reneged."

"Well, it seems that there is still a little research on our Chinese culture, and we can use it if we go back," Chen Feng said with great interest. "You're right. I'll let you go if you ask clearly. But now I ask you something, but you don't say it. How can I let you go? I'll kill all your companions. "

The well's face changed greatly, Xiren's face turned red with anger, and said, "despicable person!"

When Xiren said that, Su Sheng and fan Zhihong were not happy.

"Hum! Scum? You're not mean to be pirates and robbers? You are not despicable if we are robbed of our white money? " Fan Zhihong said with a sneer.

The well couldn't help gritting his teeth and said, "we are also forced?"

"Fuck you!"

Fan Zhihong jumped to his feet and angrily said, "you don't have money to eat. Are you forced to kill, set fire to and rob people? Can we do this if we are forced to do so? "

What was said on the well was flushed and could not be refuted at all.

Xiren's face is also extremely ugly.

Fan Zhihong is not wrong at all.

In any case, the so-called helpless, the so-called forced can not become a reason for looting.

Even if the so-called theft also has a way, but if it is stolen, it is stolen, and if it is wrong, it is wrong.

After a long time, Xiren finally opened his mouth, but his voice was full of sadness.

"We did this to save our people." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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