In fact, when Xiren talked about their internal contradictions, Chen Feng had probably known what had happened.

It's similar to the situation of a hundred masters.

In order to balance the Yin tolerance and Yang tolerance in the family, the patriarch of Baidi family has never been able to possess the power of ninja.

But it happened that Baidi Shangye's father gave a Baidi Wulang, who was gifted to be almost a monster, and then there was a later assessment of the world.

In addition, Baidi Shangye also told Chen Feng that he saw the family members and Yin Yang division very close, so Chen Feng guessed.

"And then?" Chen Feng asked.

Xiren's face was still heavy, and he said: "the man who started the rebellion, whose name is Zuo mu, was the one who entered the last two candidates for the son of yin and Yang with me at the beginning, and also a friend who had a good relationship with me since childhood. At that time, I didn't know that he was also on the side of the opposition. It was only after I inherited the son of yin and Yang that he said what he thought

Hearing this, Inoue couldn't help but say, "this Zuo mu, in the words of your Chinese country, is the ambition of a prodigal son! We later learned that he was secretly encouraging the clansmen everywhere, and he also promised that he would become the successor and carry forward the master of yin and Yang. Later, when he failed, he found someone who had met his family for the first time and United against us! "

"Oh? He killed all of you? " Chen Feng eyebrows a pick.

Speaking of this, Xiren's face was full of murders, and his whole body trembled. He said, "I didn't expect that Zuo Mu had such a crazy side. He joined forces with the first members of his family to kill some of our elders who supported me. He also arrested many of our people and imprisoned them

"This beast The well was even more excited. His face was red, and he said angrily, "one of them was an elder who taught him Yin and Yang techniques by himself. I didn't expect that he could even do this! He must be crazy! For the sake of so-called fame and wealth, he even cruelly injures his own people! "

Su Sheng, Gao Zhaojie and fan Zhihong all frowned and were silent.

How crazy are the people who can do this kind of heartless things?

If a person is blinded by the so-called fame and wealth, money, power and desire, then it has lost the most basic personality.

Even Chen Feng is also infected, this kind of anger, let him also some not quite calm.

He united with outsiders to suppress his own ethnic group, and killed his own people. This man named Zuo Mu is not as good as a beast.

However, Chen Feng was more sympathetic. After all, it was none of his business. Another thing was that the so-called imperial power struggle, clan internal struggle and family struggle were very complicated.

From their own standpoint, there has never been a difference between who is right and who is wrong.

"You haven't said why you want to be a bandit." Chen Feng asked again.

Xiren said with a heavy face: "Zuo Mu united with the people who first met the family and captured many of our people. Those who first saw the family provided a good environment for them, and they also worked together to study Yin Yang and ninja. Then our clansmen, as a condition, had to exchange money. "

"Oh? What the family asked for Chen Feng eyebrows a pick, deep in the eyes, some sharp awn flash away.

At the beginning of his plane crash, because of the small action of Qi Yue, Chen Feng almost died.

How could Chen Feng forget this?

It was his first time to cross the ocean. He almost died when he came back. If he didn't find it back, how could he be worthy of his former self?

Xiren said in a deep voice: "yes! At the first sight of the requirements of the family, a clansman needs 1.6 billion Dong Yang Yuan to replace it! "

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