Even Susheng and they are curious.

After all, no matter how to say, with their understanding of Chen Feng, Chen Feng certainly will not put forward such a request for no reason.

Chen Feng said faintly: "this condition is actually very simple. Every time you go out to sea, you have to send someone to help our boat. "

After hearing this, Su Sheng was stunned and was ecstatic about the past.

Chen Feng is looking for them!

They are very afraid of meeting pirates and terrorists at sea.

No matter how to say, as long as you go abroad, there is no guarantee in other places.

Even if some routes of Susheng's Tiansheng group go to Wan Dao, such a short distance route, and still belong to China's sphere of influence, there have been some unemployed vagrants who are engaged in robbery at sea.

If these so-called superpowers escort, then they can certainly reduce very little loss.

Xiren and Inoue are both stunned. They think that what will embarrass them, but this is what they expect.

Of course, this condition is not really what, but after listening to Xiren, he is not completely happy.

To be sure, he admitted that he was relatively happy to hear Chen Feng say so.

Because they can find a powerful Chinese cultivator to help them and save their people. Comparatively speaking, this condition is nothing.

However, he took one point into consideration, that is, their yin and Yang masters themselves are hidden and not born. If they suddenly make a move now, of course, it is not their original intention.

Chen Feng took a look at Xiren and said, "you should know, it's not before. The times are progressing, and science and technology are also improving. If you are still in seclusion, you will only get beaten up and fall behind. "

Looking at Chen Feng, Xiren retorted: "but you Chinese practitioners are also living in seclusion in the mountains, and there are some magical boundaries. Outsiders can't get in. Why can't we?"

"It's very simple, because our Taoism is the most orthodox." Chen Feng firmly said.

So, Xiren was silent immediately.

What he can not deny is that the cultivation of Taoism in China is indeed the ancestor of their yin and Yang masters, which is recorded in their historical records.

This is so many years ago, although the Yin and Yang division is a branch of Taoism in China, but also formed their own characteristics.

Moreover, from ancient times to the present, their countrymen have been living in a small place, and because of the bad environment, they have been plundering their houses. Only then will the outside world say that they are "Japanese pirates".

So, in their hearts, their self-esteem is extremely strong. It is because of this that they will, in fact, escape.

Chen Feng added: "it's a little bit hurtful to your self-esteem, but I have to say that since your views have declined in the exile and migration of many generations, it proves that this practice is not advisable and it is time to make some changes."

Xiren takes a deep breath, stares at Chen Feng, and says, "you mean, want us to learn to help wood?"

"Not all of them," Chen Feng sipped a sip of tea and said, "you can borrow the power of the first sight family and unite with the first sight family to study new Ninja arts. Why can't you?"

Xiren moved in his heart and looked at Chen Feng and said, "what do you mean?"

"Unite the Baidi family."

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