The Baidi family is located in the quiet jungle, surrounded by the pavilions of their hometown, which has a kind of ancient Chinese palace architecture.

The territory here, without permission, can't be close to the kilometer.

Since Baidi Shangye became the successor of the head of the family, he seems to be very energetic, and the whole person is also very mature.

But from afar, Chen Feng noticed that on the face of Baidi Shangye, there was a very strong fatigue and haggard.

As for the side of the hundred thousand summer, is still so young and beautiful, left look right look, eyes full of expectation.

"Chen Feng!"

Baidi Shangye saw Chen Feng, immediately was overjoyed, and hurriedly met up.

Seeing Chen Feng again, Baidi Shangye gives Chen Feng a hug. Baidi qianxia is still so shy, his face is slightly red, and he dare not move forward.

"Brother Chen Feng." The sound is like a mosquito.

Chen Feng smiles and nods, he is bigger than Baidi qianxia, and he and Baidi Shangye peer, Baidi qianxia should call his brother.

"This is..."

Baidi Zhenzhi also highly admired Chen Feng's accomplishments and abilities, because if it were not for Chen Feng, Baidi Shangye would not have such a status as it is today, and the Baidi family would fall apart.

And he is about to open his mouth, suddenly found behind Chen Feng a silent, but extraordinary young man.

This young man is very beautiful, a suit, like a book with many years of history, exudes an unusual, let people dare not underestimate the breath.

Yes, that's the temperament.

Baidi Zhenzhi has also felt it from those super big families, such as those who are fujibu Chengliang.

Baidi Shangye also seems to have found this person's extraordinary, looking at Chen Feng.

"Chen Feng, is this the friend you said last night? He... "

Chen Feng took a look at Xiren, Xiren changed into a suit of self-cultivation. He was very reluctant, but Chen Feng repeatedly asked him to change it.

After all, that kind of white clothes, walking in the modern city, it will attract a lot of attention.

It's even worse if it's seen by people who are new to the family.

"Go in and say it." Chen Feng Road A, toward a hundred of the wild and a hundred real wisdom to make eyes.

"Inside, please." Baidi is really smart and intelligent, and is quickly leading the way ahead.

Along the way, Chen Feng saw many young children of Baidi family.

Compared with the lifeless appearance of the brand-new Baidi family, the atmosphere will be much better with a new successor.

"Wait, he, this man is so familiar!" A 20-year-old young man saw Chen Feng, suddenly surprised.

His companion frowned and tried to look at Chen Feng who passed by in the distance. He said, "this man seems to be a friend of the master of the mansion, but he has never had any friends."

"No, it seems that he has seen this person somewhere..." At the beginning, the young man thought hard.

Soon, Chen Feng and his party were introduced into the hall.

The young man suddenly realized: "I remember that I was also in the Zhongren assessment last year. He is the Chinese friend of the Lord of the mansion!"

"How could it be? The Chinese, who even Sichuan teachers are afraid of

This time, all the young people of the Baidi family suddenly became lively.

Because Chen Feng's name was immediately spread throughout the family.

Inside the hall.

Chen Feng glanced around and immediately sat down. Baidi Shangye and Baidi Zhenzhi were all very nervous by Chen Feng.

"Well, it's all right. When I came into your territory just now, I found several hidden breath. I think you are under surveillance. " Chen Feng looked at the field and said.

"What are you talking about?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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