The so-called dance party held by the family for the first time is actually to invite people from the Ninja family to witness the glory of their family.

After all, it is a kind of supreme glory to be able to relate to the master of yin and Yang!

After all, in the ninja world, who doesn't know the existence of yin and Yang masters?

The nature of seeing a family for the first time has a deeper meaning, which is to show the service family.

As the head of the three Ninja families, the status of the Fu clan is not so simple.

There are many small schools of ninja in the underground world of ninja in Toyo. Most of these schools are attached to the Fu clan. Of course, there are also some of them, but compared with the small and medium-sized forces which occupy half of the Fu clan, the first sight family is much weaker.

Of course, no matter how weak or small, there will be no Baidi family so weak.

Therefore, it is natural for the first time to see the family's move this time, which is to strengthen itself with the help of yin and Yang teachers, and at the same time, to attract the forces of various factions.

This time, Baidi family went to Baidi Shangye and Baidi Shangye, accompanied by Baidi Zhenzhi.

Because this dance is only for the Ninja family in the ninja world. In other words, all the people who can attend the dance are ordinary people.

Either a powerful ninja or a representative of the Ninja family, and everyone who goes in has to verify their identity and register.

Because in any case, there will be no ordinary people in the ninja world, except those big consortia.

According to the destination, the party came to an ancient palace.

This is an ancient temple, a site protected by the Oriental kingdom.

In fact, this is the same as the Forbidden City of China.

It's just that the Forbidden City is a courtyard combined with many palaces. It's located alone and will not be open to tourists on weekdays.

But today, this is not the same, because there are many luxury cars parked in front of the door, of course, many are business cars.

All the people who came down were dressed in suits and leather shoes, but everyone was shining, full of energy and obscure breath, just like people walking at night.

Even the security guards at the door are dressed in suits and leather shoes. Everyone's eyes are like hawks and falcons. They are extremely extraordinary.

Baidi Shangye, Baidi Zhenzhi gets out of the car and goes to the temple. They are a little worried because Chen Feng is right behind them.

Two people showed the invitation letter, the suit security guard couldn't help but look at Baidi Shangye, indifferently said: "it turns out to be the master of Baidi family."

When people around heard the words of the house master of Baidi family, they all cast their eyes.

These are representatives of their respective Ninja schools or small and medium-sized families. It can be said that 90% of the ninja world are attached to the clothing department and the first-time families.

However, this time, the party invitation of the first meeting family did not invite those Ninja representatives attached to Baidi family.

This news, or Baidi Shangye just got to know before he set out.

Such an occasion, it is the first time to see the family to give the Baidi family an embarrassing situation!

Of course, in fact, those Ninja forces attached to the Baidi family are almost at the bottom of the ninja world. They are not wanted by the clothing department and the first sight family.

Therefore, baijishangye not only felt humiliated, but also felt isolated.

But for Chen Feng's strong request, Baidi Shangye would not come to the banquet.

Therefore, even if we know that the one in Baidi Shangye is the head of Baidi family, there is still no one willing to flatter up to a thousand.

If these two families are attached to each other, is it true that the two families are offended?

Another is that, Baidi family is now in internal and external troubles. Who dares to flatter?

Baidi Shangye and Baidi Zhenzhi enter the room with cold faces. In the moment of stepping into the door and passing through the shadow, a figure emerges, which is Chen Feng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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