Chen Feng's fist is silent, but if there are practitioners here, you can feel it. There is a huge amount of energy in this fist.

His fist is like a meteorite falling to the earth and a meteor cutting through the void. It seems slow and slow, but the power contained in it makes the Ninja's heart shake.

"What power is this?"

They finally shocked. Is this the martial art of China?

This blow seems simple, but the fluctuation of power seems to destroy a large truck in an instant.

Feeling this kind of breath fluctuation, they are as weak as a piece of tofu, and can be patted flat in an instant.



The fire column swept towards Chen Feng, but Chen Feng's fist was overwhelming, and suddenly destroyed the column of fire.

Then, Chen Feng's body, in a sea of fire through, and his fist, naturally is to chase the first to see a tree righteousness and go.

"Damn it!"

At the first time, his face changed violently, and his ninja art had been broken. Now, facing Chen Feng's fist, he could only choose to retreat violently.

But how does he know that Chen Feng's big Zhenwu Jue Quan style is so easy to avoid?

Chen Feng didn't get his fist, but he suddenly took a lunge, "boom" sound, that round of moving out of the fist, hit in the air, but at the first sight of a tree Yi, it was as if he felt a kind of mountain rushing towards him.


At first sight, the body shape of the tree Yi was heavily bombed out, and the wall of the whole palace collapsed in an instant, and the first sight could be buried.

All the people were dead, all pale, all in the same place.

Even Baidi Shangye and Baidi Zhenzhi did not expect that Chen Feng's progress had reached such a level!

Is this Chen Feng they knew before?

Although Chen Feng has a very high evaluation, but see Chen Feng three or two to beat the first to see the appearance of tree Yi, they seem to be unable to believe their eyes.

Don't say that they are familiar with Chen Feng. Even all the people present are shocked.

The first time I saw a tree, I didn't even have the power to fight back!

But who knows, Chen Feng walked toward the collapsed wall, reached into the ruins, and directly grasped the neck of the first tree Yi and pulled it out on the spot.

The first time I saw her face pale, her black suit was full of dust, her head was covered with bright hair, and there was a large amount of blood on her mouth.

"Young master Keyi!" The faces of those who first saw the family changed violently and wanted to move forward, but their necks shrank at the thought of the Chinese people's terror.

Where is the initial tree Yi and the state of high spirited at the beginning?

Now it's like a beggar.

"Where is Qiyue for the first time." Chen Feng asked calmly again.

At first I saw the neck of the tree Yi had been held by him. The former was confused and his eyes could still be opened.

"Chinese people You, you are looking for death... "

Chen Feng's face is still very calm, has completely lost patience, he five fingers a force, only heard a click, first saw a tree Yi pupil dilation, on the spot is no breath.

The first time he saw him, he couldn't believe that he really dared to kill him. However, when he knew that he was out of breath, he knew what kind of existence he had provoked.

Chen Feng threw it casually, and everyone was frightened and pale. Even if it was Baidi Shangye and Baidi Zhenzhi, his face was slightly pale.

Chen Feng really killed the first tree Yi!

At this time, Chen Feng's eyes fixed on the sluggish Yin and Yang division, and immediately walked past.

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