Baidi Wuliang had a great killing heart. He was dead about his family when he thought that he lost to the Chinese who his brother invited him last year and all plans were gone.

He will return this time and take back all he has lost.

"You are not afraid of the forbidden techniques you use. Will you be killed by your family once found?" he said coldly

Forbidden technique is not ordinary thing. The three Ninja families have expressly forbidden the family. One point is that any family's children use forbidden technique, that is, traitor, they will immediately kill!

Although Baidi Wulang stole the forbidden technique, once he was found, he would not be good in the next game.

Of course, there is also a problem: since forbidden art is called forbidden, it can be practiced at will.

"You have some problems?" Asked zomu.

"I have encountered some trouble in my study. Only you can help me solve these things."

It is obvious that Baidi Wulang is here to find zomu to cooperate.

But the first month of Qi Yue is not worried about it. The five hundred ground five Lang is no more powerful, but only a person, he has the whole family.

But who knows, hundred ground five Lang but looks at the first see the month, said: "I want to borrow your family strength."

"The first sight of Qi Yue sneered:" hundred ground five Lang, you say borrow it? What do you think I saw in the family? What else do you have to use in this status? "

"I already know about temple. I help you kill the Chinese. You help me to destroy the Yangyan sect in Shangye."

At the thought of the Chinese people they had lost, the heart of the five hundred ground Lang is very gloomy.

All is that person, if not him, he will not become the dog of bereavement, will not become a traitor, he is the master of the hundred family!

As for the hundred lands, these Yang - tolerant schools, he hated to kill all of them.

As long as the Yang tolerance school does not exist, the Yin tolerance School of the whole hundred families will listen to his orders.

The people around the family heard that they were taking a deep breath. To what extent did the person feel so crazy that they would let the outside people help themselves kill their younger brother and the people?

"You don't know what I've lived in half a year."

The five hundred ground five Lang said a silence, is black face, do not speak.

He has been living a life of escape for half a year, with beasts, the earth as the seat, the night for the quilt, and also worried about the people who have their own to catch themselves back, there are also healing, training, and food and clothing.

That is, let him more eager to get strength, then go back to revenge, take back what he deserves!

At first, Qi Yue's brother was killed. Now he is worried about who will kill the Chinese. At this time, the emergence of five hundred land Lang can help him solve this problem.

Of course, their family will help the five hundred to kill Yang Yan school, that is not easy to say, because that is to fight the hundred family ah!

It's impossible to be forced.

Baidi five Lang looked at zomu again and said, "only you can help me improve my forbidden technique."

"What's the benefit of me then?" Zomu and Baidi five Lang looked at each other.

All three people present are the top of the powers of the eastern ocean, and zomu has a high talent and prestige in Yin and Yang teachers.

"When I kill the Chinese, I will catch the son of yin and Yang and deal with it with you." The five hundred ground five Lang said the pledge, seems to be full of confidence.

Zomu narrowed his eyes. The only function of Xi Ren was to let him hand over the position of the son of yin and Yang, but he would like to give up his own will.

Without the Chinese and the Baidi family, is Xiren still a good compromise?

Zomu looks at the first month of disagreement, because of this, we should first see the cooperation of the family.

How did the first month of disagreement not know this situation? He thought, finally raised his head, took a deep breath, and said, "I will think about this with my father!"

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