Soon, a line of people in white clothes, all were present, especially the head of a person, long hair fluttering, was the first to see Qi Yue.

But the two young people next to Qi Yue attracted more attention.

"Baidi Wulang!"

Yes, that tall and straight young man with a gloomy face is not baidiwulang and who is it?

"Brother!" A complex look appeared on his face.

According to the family rules, baidiwulang is to be killed.

Although baidiwulang was not born with him, he grew up with him!

But baijiono soon recovered a kind of indifference.

Since he has become the head of the government, he should be good enough in killing and decisiveness, and he should be decisive.

Baidiwulang killed his father, which is unfilial. He also stole the forbidden skill in the family, so he is not benevolent.

Now that baidiwulang is back here, it must be a threat to the Baidi family.

He is not greedy for his position as the head of the mansion. However, if he is taken as the head of the mansion by Baidi Wuliang, he will fail to live up to his father's expectations. As a leader of the mansion, he will feel sorry for his ancestors.

The school of Yin tolerance over there is represented by Baidi CHUANSHI, who is a character of Shangren and has a great position in the school.

At this time, he saw baidiwulang, with some complexity in his eyes.

To tell you the truth, as the Yin tolerance group, they naturally want their own masters to have strong strength, but the ancestral precepts can not be violated.

Therefore, when Baidi Shangye became the head of the government, they could only obey, not betray.

Therefore, from now on, although the Yin tolerance sect, including him, still has some expectations for baidiwulang, they must treat baidiwulang as a traitor.

In fact, baidiwulang is also a traitor.

The appearance of Baidi Wulang, of course, has given rise to complex emotions in the Baidi family.

That's the eldest son of the former master of the mansion! And still have super talent Ninja genius!

But the wrong emperor's family was born at the wrong time, and he had to be sealed with talent.

And a person by the side of Baidi Shangye saw Zuo mu, and his face was gloomy in an instant. This man, not Xiren, was who?

"My brother, master CHUANSHI, you are here too." Baidiwulang's appearance, the vision takes the lead is to sweep over Baidi Shangye, and baidichuan division.

"Wulang, you traitor, dare to come back!" Baidi Zhenzhi cried angrily, "hand over the forbidden skill of the family quickly!"

Bai Di Wu Lang sneered and said, "Uncle Zhen Zhi, you let me hand it in. Do you have this strength? Now I'm not what I used to be. I can kill you now if I want to. "

Baidi Zhenzhi's face changed greatly. The strongest representative here is baidichuan division. It is obvious that baidiwulang doesn't put baidichuan division in his eyes!

"Wulang, you don't want to go back, so why?" Bai Di Chuan Shi sighed.

Seeing baidiwulang again, the once highly anticipated genius, is indeed very strong, which is beyond his expectation, even stronger than himself.

"Master Chuan, I think you have guided me. If there is any accident, I can let you go."

After that, Baidi Wulang withdrew his eyes, looked at Baidi Shangye, and said coldly, "Shangye, I'm not here for you today. When I kill that Chinese, I'll go back and take back the position of the head of my mansion!"

The whole audience was slightly surprised. What does Baidi Wulang mean?

Is it he who will challenge the Chinese? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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