But it is obvious that the gesture of Baidi Wulang is constantly changing rapidly, which means that there is a large amount of black air on him.

The black air behind him forms a huge ghost. The five hundred ground five Lang is like a human being in a hell controlled by. The whole face is very cold and pale. The hidden killing intention on his body immediately covers hundreds of meters.

"No operation!" The Sichuan division of Baidi took the lead in shouting.

This is the forbidden skill of their hundred land family!

They were surprised to be wild, and finally five hundred land five Lang had put out the forbidden art.

Not only make them, the whole audience is also afraid, one after another pour a breath of cool feeling.

It seems that the five hundred ground five Lang also no longer with this Chinese people, ready to the strongest hit to solve the opponent ah!

The breath of the enchanting technique, which was attached, shocked Xi Ren.

Needless to say he knows, it's zomu who is making a hell of it!

The technique of yin and spirit has always been famous for its great lethality, so the one school of yin and Yang is not very popular with Yin and Yang teachers.

Once there was a son of yin and Yang who had proposed to seal all the techniques of yin and Yang.

In a hurry, the five hundred ground Lang was obviously also fighting. His body shape was moving and turned into a huge shadow of black fog, which suddenly flashed over.

This time, the shadow is tens of meters so large, it is almost like the sky.

Suddenly, in the shadow, suddenly, a sword with black light was extended and controlled by a giant hand of the shadow.

The one who controls the shadow is, of course, five hundred land.

The five hundred ground Lang is like being possessed by ghosts, but in fact, he is a ghost.

This ghost like forbidden technique, in fact, makes people feel a kind of cold, only the hidden air, let people feel a kind of heart shaking.

This is the real ban!

If it was used to kill people, how many of the people present could resist the killing of hundred and five Lang?

They all felt shocked and worried about Chen Feng.

The progress of Baidi Wuliang is really terrible. Last year, it was just the level of tolerance. Now it has exceeded the Sichuan Teachers in Baidi.

"Yes, it's a little bit more serious." Chen Feng looked at it and nodded slightly.

The five hundred land five Lang is really much better than the king GuoZhe, the Qingming tiger and other people. With the use of this forbidden technique, he has a feeling of ghost in the ghost Valley Taoist method.

After all, Yin tolerance school and Yin spirit are common, and the Yin spirit technique is the development of ghost Valley Taoism, so Chen Feng is naturally some itchy.

Not many times, Chen Feng finally moved, he this is a direct blow, he even green lotus sword not used out.

The second type of great real martial arts, meteor hammer moon!

Chen Feng hit and killed, in his grip moment, has been condensed in the body of the storage of the spiritual power.

To deal with this level of opponent, meteor hammer month is more than enough.

Chen Feng did not know how many masters had been defeated in this move. This fist, which was in the air, was not out of the sound boom and was not fast. But the power contained was vast and infinite.

In a moment, the air was actually hit a ripple, in modern words, it was the boxing, has been a vacuum zone.

The face of Baidi Wulang changed dramatically, and felt the powerful and powerful fist. He felt that if he touched it, he would be crushed!

At this moment, he wanted to escape.

"Want to escape? It's late! "

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