Chen Feng's foot is a shock step on the ground, an invisible wave, in an instant is from the bottom of his feet shock out.

That kind of feeling, as if from the ground suddenly is a storm on the ground, like a kind of invisible energy, Chen Feng is covered.

Qiyue's ice sword is like being chopped on a steel plate. It's just like breaking it in the past.

At the same time, Zuo Mu's cloud and lightning attack also turned into ashes in an instant, and all of them were dissipated in the past.

First saw Qiyue was shocked back to Zuo mu, shoulder to shoulder together, couldn't help but look at all this with eyes moving.

This is really out of the expectation of the two people, but also out of the expectation of all the people present.

The two genius at the same time, even by Chen Feng a foot is broken! How does this guy exist!?

Both of them are better than baidiwulang! One is a ninja genius, the other is a master of yin and Yang!

Even if he is obedient, he can't help moving when he sees this situation.

Even if he himself, he asked himself, he did not have the ability to handle the two men's fight.

"How wonderful!"

The ninja of those young people, let out an exclamation.

Chinese martial arts practitioners are well-known at home and abroad, especially in the East Asia Kingdom and the Hua? Qi State, where there are overseas Hongmen, Hongmen, but all of them are martial arts practitioners!

Therefore, the name of the practitioners of martial arts and Taoism is very large among the Oriental countries.

In addition to historical reasons, and so close to China, this kind of fame has long been feared by the strong in the ninja world.

At first sight today, it was really beyond their expectation.

Among the people present, some of them were tolerant, but they were also shocked. They did not use any martial arts power. Just one foot was enough to shake people's hearts.

"Is that all you can do? Take out what else you have. "

Chen Feng looks at Qi Yue and Zuo mu for the first time. In her calm eyes without any waves, she is full of arrogance, ignorance and condescension.

Chen Feng's pride, is unnatural hair out, is that kind of strength breath on his body, that kind of earth shaking temperament gives people the feeling.

First saw Qiyue and Zuo Mu finally realized that they met the hard board.

But will they shrink?

The answer is No.

This is their Toyo kingdom. This is their Ninja territory. No other super powers are allowed to indulge here.

Because these two great talents represent not only ourselves, but also our own country.

"Chinese, you are too proud!"

At first, Qi Yue's face was awe inspiring, and his voice dropped. He was inspired by his Dharma seal and gave a big drink --

"water dragon twist!"


Not far behind Chen Feng, the whole stream suddenly vibrated. In a short time, the turbulent stream suddenly jumped up and turned into a ten meter long water dragon.

The head of the water dragon is very ferocious. With a roar, it kills Chen Feng in a whirling posture.

The rising water dragon swept over, but Chen Feng just looked at it sideways and shook his head slightly: "is this a dragon? This is not even as good as the dragon. "

The dragon, originally the mythical beast of China, has long been deeply impressed by the image of its indomitable power, extraordinary momentum and power.

Where is this dragon?

It's just a boa constrictor with a slender dragon head.

"This is an insult to the Ao family. Go away!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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