The news that Chen Feng killed Qiyue, baidiwulang, and Zuomi was more powerful than the reaction caused by the killing of Qiyue, baidiwulang and zuomu. I don't know how many times.

April 21, 2019, at the top of Mount Fuji.

Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Toyo and one of the symbols of Toyo.

It can be said that Mount Fuji is regarded as a "holy mountain" by the people here. It is also a symbol of the oriental nation. It has a great reputation all over the world.

Mount Fuji is one of the largest active volcanoes in China. Of course, it is in a dormant state.

We should know that Mount Fuji is not the property of Toyo. It is private land. The Toyo government has no right to use it, only the right to lease it.

March and April is the best tourist season for this well-known active volcano.

The whole mountain has a foot of 3776 meters, towering into the text, covered with snow.

From a distance, the whole mount fuji is in a conical state, more like a fan hanging upside down in the air. Therefore, the ancient use of Oriental countries used to describe the mountain as "jade fan hanging upside down in the sky" and "white Fuji reflecting the sunrise".

As long as within 100 kilometers, you can see the outline of Mount Fuji.

There are ten stages of Mount Fuji from the foot to the top of the mountain, each of which is called "eye catching".

That is to say, half of the mountainside is called wuhemu, and then up there are six harmonies and seven harmonies.

If you want to get to the top, it will take a few hours from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

However, it is only open for one month in July and August every year, and the summit can only be reached in this month. The rest of the time is not open.

However, since the beginning of the past few days, the entire Mount Fuji has been completely blocked by the police department, and even sent to the army to maintain order.

Yes, it's forbidden to open here.

Even tourists from all over the world and all travel agencies have been temporarily informed that they can't climb mountains due to heavy snow. They can only play 100 kilometers away.

This, of course, has exploded the media and the Internet.

Snow blocked mountains? This is the first time I've heard of it in April!

Even in the coldest days, Mount Fuji has never been blocked, which makes people feel very strange.

The most strange thing is that the closure of the mountain needs to touch the police department. Is there any army?

Such a big battle has really alarmed the people of the whole oriental country.

Of course, even the official leaders of Toyo, many don't know what happened, because they only carry out orders from the top.

Many good people even want to use aerial cameras or UAVs to detect them. However, all those who are caught are imprisoned, saying that they are in violation of the law.

This time, even within a 100 meter radius, all media planes, even the big brother of Toyo, wanted to send out planes to find out what happened to Mount Fuji. The official of Toyo stood very hard, and also sent out anti-aircraft missiles. Any intruder would shoot down at once.

In 2019, now the network world is so developed, this dynamic, immediately caused a sensation all over the world.

It can be said that the media all over the world are watching this way.

But other groups around the world don't think so.

Even the power of the government can be mobilized, and only the group of superpowers in this country has this ability.

Yes, those who put their eyes on it all over the world know that Mount Fuji is a battle of the strong.

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