At the foot of the mountain, seeing the ambassador of even China is already down the mountain. Everyone is more excited.

Yes, I can't persuade him. That is to prove that the Chinese is still on the mountain.

At this time, the first family members, from a certain direction, swept over, a full team of hundreds of people, all in white clothes.

And the head of a person, about 40 years old, in the narrow eyes, is full of a kind of gloomy cold inside.

The long robe on his body has a lot of patterns and clothes. The whole person looks like the ancient gentry of a large family. The difference is that he is cold and murderous.

The first time I see the head of the family house, I see the village for the first time!

This man is one of the top ten in the whole ninja world!

Moreover, this man is still under the level of Ninja God in the legend of Toyo!

Within 100 kilometers, it has been blocked for a long time. Therefore, those tourists outside can not see the situation inside.

Only the whole ninja world can enter into it and wait for the arrival of this important person at the foot of the mountain.

At first, Nakamura looked up at the location of Mount Fuji. His eyes were awe inspiring and turned into a shadow, which was flying up the mountain.

He was so fast that he didn't step up the stairs at all, but went straight up the mountain.

That kind of feeling, like the ghost from the snow front, speed is incomparable.

Seeing this, those people all exclaimed in succession, and immediately followed them up.

This time, the people of the service family came to fujibu Chengliang, and Miyamoto, who had the strength above him, was able to rank among the top three in the family.

The Baidi family came here with the company of baidimu.

Bai Di Mu Na is more powerful than Bai Di Chuan Shi in Bai Di family, and his strength has reached the level of upper tolerance.

And Xiren also came along.

Their eyes are very dignified, after all, this is their Japanese ninja world in the battle of the strong!

And there's another one who's still their friend!

Chen Feng, who offended the whole family for their sake.

In addition, many of the upper tolerance of the ninja world, as well as the strong reclusive, also came one after another.

Seeing Qiyue go up the mountain for the first time, other people are flocking to the mountain. As a kind of Baidi Shangye who has no strength, it is natural that baidishangye was brought up the mountain by baidimu

Far away, someone saw that Mount Fuji was filled with a kind of white smoke, all the way to the top of the mountain.

Such a spectacle, like an inverted avalanche, has really opened everyone's horizons.

Of course, all the Ninjas watching the fun are heading for the top of the mountain.

The distance of 3000 meters, in fact, for the Ninja with strength, is just a matter of one face and one minute.

Especially the existence of Nakamura like the first time, it will be more rapid, in less than ten seconds, he will be on the top of the mountain.

When he arrived at the top of the mountain, a figure had already sat cross legged, naturally Chen Feng.


The first time I saw this man in Zhongcun, I wanted to crack my canthus. I wanted to kill him on the spot.

It was the Chinese who killed his two sons!

That's his baby, but now, it's gone!

Which father would give up?

Chen Feng slowly opened his eyes, looked at the village in the first sight, and said, "I have been waiting for you for a long time." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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