Fuji Mountain store, first saw the village is the first to arrive, after he arrived, is to hear Chen Feng so despise his words, this let the first see in the village is more angry.

"Boy, you killed my two sons. Today, I want you to pay for your blood debt!" At first sight, Nakamura was obviously furious and trembled all over.

This kind of war should respect the opponent, let alone contain deep hatred.

This kind of contempt from the superpower of other countries will be regarded by him as an insult.

Chen Feng stood up and took a look at Zhongcun for the first time. He said, "you are just a so-called true forbearance. Do you want to kill me?"

How powerful is Chen Feng now?

Although he didn't reach the middle stage of Qihai state, his six knowledge was not comparable to ordinary people.

Just now, with the cooperation of Tianyan, he saw the strength of Nakamura in his mind.

At first sight, Zhongcun really surpassed shangshangshangren, that is to say, it exceeded the level of master Tianjing and reached the level of master Zhenwu.

This man is really better than Qiyue.

Even if it is the first time Qiyue, Zuo Mu and Baidi Wulang add up, they are not after the poison of this man.

However, Zhenwu master is a big realm in the martial arts world, just as Zhenren is not the strongest power of the Japanese ninja.

According to Qi and blood, as well as the fluctuating reaction of the surrounding air, although Nakamura was really tolerant at first sight, he was still much worse than himself.

You know, when he was in China, Chen Feng could easily kill Qingming tiger, Jin GuoZhe and Brooke in the early stage of Qihai state.

At that time, even in the face of Zhenwu master, Chen Feng was not afraid at all.

Now, he came to Toyo. After a few days of seclusion, his accomplishments had reached the peak in the early stage of Qihai state, which was half a step to the middle stage.

It can be said that he will not be afraid of such people.

At first I saw Nakamura's face changed.

As a group of super powers who are extremely sensitive to breath owners, they are well aware of the horrors of things like "mind" and "spiritual power".

Just when I first saw Nakamura, I found that I was swept by something.

"You are a Chinese cultivator!" At first I saw Nakamura's face regretted, but I couldn't help shaking in my heart.

China and Toyo have a history of hundreds of thousands of years, and the existence of those who are feared by the super power groups all over the world, I would like to ask, as a neighbor of Toyo, how can they not know?

That is the existence that can fly into the sky and escape to the sea!

In his impression, it is already comparable to the legendary Ninja God!

"No way! In the middle of China, you can't have such a young talent! Who the hell are you? " At first sight, Nakamura began to recover a little calm.

Chen Feng gently shook his head and said, "it doesn't matter who I am. Now I give you two choices. One is that you go down the mountain. You and I are not in debt with your first family. Second, I killed you. "

"Boy! How dare you talk like that

At first sight, Zhongcun's anger was ignited again.

His age is more than twice that of the Chinese boy. He is still at the level of true tolerance. He can rank among the top ten in the ninja world.

He asked himself that if a teenager under 20 years old could kill Qiyue, Zuomi and baidiwulang, at most, he was really tolerant!

And how could he lose his decades of cultivation?

"In the words of China, it's not the same who wins and who loses, but you are so arrogant!"

In a short time, I saw Nakamura's robes fluttering, long hair waste, a stream of air, running wildly on his body.

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