Chen Feng opened his eyes, eyes, is a kind of satisfaction.

At this time, he was more than several times bigger than before.

When looking inside, you can see that there are more and more spiritual powers that he can store.

"It turns out that fighting is the best catalyst for breakthrough."

Chen Feng was filled with emotion.

Even if he had been meditating in a closed door for so long, his progress was slow. He attributed these to the lack of aura in heaven and earth.

But he seems to be wrong.

After these several battles, Chen Feng felt that the diaphragm was about to be pierced immediately, which surprised him greatly.

Therefore, he now knows that cultivation does not mean meditation.

In fact, Chen Feng has nothing to become the strongest person in the world. He turns his hands for clouds, hands for rain, and heaven runs away from the earth.

He is just curious about the world and wants to improve his strength, and then challenge more powerful forces. This is what he wants to do after his strength gradually increases.

Of course, the most important goal is that Chen Feng knows that the world is not as peaceful as outsiders or as he thinks.

Especially after contact with more strange people and things, Chen Feng has such an idea, that is: to become more powerful, to protect themselves at the same time, can protect the people around them.

Moreover, when you become strong, you can pursue your lover in your heart.

Chen Feng thought, did not immediately out of the door, but called Zhu Ning.

It has been a month since he left China. During this time, something has happened in Yanjing. It is thousands of miles away. Chen Feng has to ask about it before he can know his next trip.

Zhu Ning received a call from Chen Feng, overjoyed, but also appears a little anxious: "great, Chen Feng, you finally gave me a call."

Chen Feng's mobile phone on two, one is Nokia, contact those gods. In fact, the other one is also Nokia, which Chen Feng specially found. After all, the Tianting mobile phone was dropped several times by him. Let alone, this fall resistant name is not in vain.

Although it's the information age, Chen Feng's communication tools are actually very simple, that is, making phone calls and sending and receiving short messages. He doesn't feel much about those electronic products at all.

I don't know. I still think Chen Feng is an old antique in the skin of a young man.

After that, the state of Chen Dongyang was basically shut down.

In other words, Chen Feng didn't charge at all.

Chen Feng's friends, such as Zhu Ning, also know that it is more difficult to find Chen Feng than to go to heaven, unless he goes to find them himself.

"Is there anything wrong with Yanjing?" Chen Feng asked directly.

Of course, there is something wrong with Yanjing!

At the other end of the villa, Zhu Ning quickly laughed bitterly and said, "you don't know, after you leave, the magician guild, the underworld, and even the people called the Dark Alliance on the other side of Europe all evade the border examination and arrive in Yanjing. In addition, I also inquired about the information. People from Tangmen also sneaked into Yanjing. The whole army gate and the six gate gate gate were on guard, and they secretly blocked the whole Yanjing! "

"No one can stop them from coming in?" Chen Feng asked again.

There are so many superpowers all over the world, and they are so powerful. The military gate is strong, but after all, the military gate is not omnipotent. There are always times of negligence.

"You are right. That's why the army opened its eyes and closed its eyes! " Zhu Ning said nervously.

Chen Feng sneered in his heart and said, "what a military gate! Do you want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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