Chen Feng holds this order, the whole room is full of a kind of gloomy ghost gas inside.

Chen Feng couldn't help but shiver.

His strength is getting stronger and stronger. Even when he met the so-called fierce ghost in Shenchuan before, he didn't feel this kind of thrilling feeling.

But this order, holding it in your hand, is like holding on to something in charge of life and death.

"This is a real ghost of the underworld."

Chen Feng exclaimed in his heart. Fortunately, he was firm enough to not be affected by these evil spirits.

Then he immediately found heiwuchang.

Chen Feng: "eight ye, I have got the order. Can you help me get the place I set up?"

Hei Wuchang: "yes."

When the idea moves, the sign disappears.

"Ding, get help from Hei Wuchang and introduce Yama. Hei Wuchang gains 1500 merits."

Chen Feng's face was strange, and he thought that his merits really covered three days and seven realms!

Even the prefectures have implemented the system of merit and virtue?

But then Hei Wuchang said: "Chen Daoyou, you are introverted. I will let you connect with the order sign later. Because the place is far away, it will consume a lot of your mind

Very soon, Chen Feng is introverted his mind.

It's impossible to say it's not urgent, but Chen Feng didn't show it.

The so-called ghost killing fist is stupid to his own place, but also a threat to his friends. How can Chen Feng sit back and ignore it?

Therefore, even thousands of miles away, he will let this ghost kill fist come and go!


On the other side, Zhu Ning and Qin Yinglong are waiting at the intersection.

They have been waiting for more than ten or twenty minutes. According to the conjectured time, ghost killing fist will be killed soon!

"Don't worry, Chen Feng will have a way." Zhu Ning comforts to say.

He knew the existence of the two door gods in the five Yin Disha array, but Chen Feng said that he could not control the shenta Yulei when he was abroad.

Then Zhu Ning himself sounded what he had said to Chen Feng. Even if there was no Chen Feng, he would guard the villa even if he had worked hard.

After all, Chen Feng is just another parent to him.

Chen Feng pulled him out of hatred, helped him practice, taught him martial arts, and helped him kill his father's enemy.

Now that there's danger here, how could he shrink back?

When he imagined this, suddenly, a wooden card appeared on the ground.

Qin Yinglong was startled. Suddenly, he jumped away. Then he turned pale.

"This What is this? "

This old wooden card is like the ancient order that the judge throws out to judge the life and death of a person.

Why is this thing here?

At this time, the whole hall of the villa was suddenly filled with a gloomy atmosphere. Both Zhu Ning and Qin Yinglong felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar.

Zhu Ning's eyes are dignified, and suddenly there is an idea in his heart. Is it Chen Feng's work?

He took a deep breath and picked it up.

Under the touch, his face turned purple and blue in an instant.

"What a terrible force of yin and evil spirit!"

Zhu Ning is also a small success in martial arts, but with his physical strength, he was almost frozen into ice sculpture by the power of Yin evil!

At this time, Chen Feng sent a message --

"wipe the order sign 100 meters in front of the gate, in the center, and give me the rest."

Qin Yinglong also took a look at the information. His heart was full of fright, which made his teeth tremble.

"This Is Chen Feng's signature here? How could... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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